since we've had such a great response and so many nice comments about craig's cover, i thought we start right out with the next image in a series we're calling, "building the cover". when craig and i were discussing the color on this one (i just kibbitz with him about this--i have no say--craig has the final word on all the artistic stuff...) (unless i'm right.) i was worried that any color would muddy up his awesome inking job, the crosshatching and feathering.
here's the first pass.

more next week as we get this thing together for
oh, yeah! that's next weekend!
you gonna be there?!
craig and i are going!
and we're bringin' our chicks!
brian and bill will be there!
who else?
jumping over to our random photo(s) of the week,
here's one i got from a friend, entitled
"why you shouldn't run in the house".
warning: if you're a little squeamish about such things,
don't go any farther. skip down to the trivia questions.
it's okay. i understand.
the beauty of this one is that they show you the (happy) (proud?)
"after" picture first. i like that. it makes the "before" picture that
much easier to take...


poor little guy...
okay, before we bid adeiu for the weekend, i promised a few more trivia questions.
i am, as i said, going to set comments on "approval" so that there can be no spoilers for anybody.
i'll post your answers in the comments section on monday morning.
so, here's "five for friday"...
1. what academy award winning actress is married to coldplay frontman, chris martin?
2. at the end of the movie, seven, what was in the box?
3. the beatles had "yellow submarine", what was the name of the monkee's trippy big screen, pyscho-surreal movie?
4. what academy award winning actor co-wrote it?
5. in pulp fiction, what was in the briefcase?
enjoy those!
smell ya later!
ha ha ha ha ha!
First, the cover with color looks amazing. Nice work. I'll post answers in a seperate comment.
Thanks for showing the after picture first, as the before picture was heartbreaking. Glad to see everything worked out for the little guy. Kids are so resiliant.
Love the cover colors as they are mucho scary.
As for the trivia, a second week in a row of "I've got nothing."
here are everyone's answers to the
"five for friday"
JohnRaygun has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
I'm going to the show!!! Can't wait to see you guys there!
1. what academy award winning actress is married to coldplay frontman, chris martin? : Gwyneth Paltrow
2. at the end of the movie, seven, what was in the box? Her head
3. the beatles had "yellow submarine", what was the name of the monkee's trippy big screen, pyscho-surreal movie? HEAD!
4. what academy award winning actor co-wrote it? Jack Nickelson! He's even in it for a minute.(I watched this last week! Wow, what a messed up Movie!)
5. in pulp fiction, what was in the briefcase? Nobody knows, but it glowed gold, and people speculate that it was Marsellus Wallace's Soul
Heywood Jablomie has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
Hey Todd! That's one hell of a picture there, and exactly why you shouldn't run in the house, let alone carrying a fork hahaha!
Craig's picture is sick dude!! Makes me totally want to throw in the artistic towel forever haha!
Well you already know also that I'll be at the con, and so will my 'chick' haha! She's a little scared though of all the other con-goers, I told her to come with a clothspin haha! But in all seriousness it should be a last, it's my first comic convention so it'll be an experience I hope to never forget.
And the Five-for Friday, I had a little trouble, but here goes:
1. what academy award winning actress is married to coldplay frontman, chris martin?
Gwyneth Paltrow
2. at the end of the movie, seven, what was in the box?
Brad Pitt's head I believe, it's been a long time since I've seen it
3. the beatles had "yellow submarine", what was the name of the monkee's trippy big screen, pyscho-surreal movie?
I should know this but I don't, meh.
4. what academy award winning actor co-wrote it?
5. in pulp fiction, what was in the briefcase?
I don't remember it's been a while on this one too, did they ever let you know, I thought it was never told?
Scott Weinstein has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
Here are the answers to the triva:
1) Gwyneth Paltrow
2) Her head
3)--- Red airplane?? - No???
5)No one knows.
Adam Hutch has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
Holy Smokes that picture is horrifying! Wow, that's gonna be stuck in my head for awhile!
Oh hey I'll be at Baltimore too. My friend and I are packing our wives and infants up in a minivan and driving down from Central NY.
Hey I know this trivia!
1)Gwyenth Paltrow
2)Her Severed Head
3)Head (the album's cover was reflective to boot, so when you looked at it you saw a head, those crazy hippies)
4)Jack Nicholson
5)I believe we're never shown what's in the briefcase, though my friend insists it's supposed to be Marsellus' soul or something.
Bob has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
Trivia answers (right I hope)
1. Gwyneth Paltrow.
2. Her head (though I don't think we ever see it)
3. I think it was called (appropriately enough) Head.
4. Jack Nicolson
5. I don't think there was anything in it. I read somewhere that it was going to contain the diamonds from Reservoir Dogs, but that idea was scrapped. For filming purposes I believe Tarantino said there was a battery, some foil and a light bulb in it.
Leaf has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
Those colors are perfect for that cover. Kudos, gentlemen.
I don't know all the answers, but here you go:
1. Gwenyth Paltrow
2. Her characters head
3. No idea
4. Even less an idea
5. Marcellus Wallace's soul
Paul D. Storrie has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
I'll be in Baltmore. Look forward to seeing ya.
1. Gwyneth Paltrow
2. Gwyneth Paltrow's head.
3. Head
4. Jack Nicholson
5. Marcelus' soul (at least that's the speculation -- in reality, I think it was just a lightbulb)
Bill Nolan has left a new comment on your post "the flatwoods cover--part 3":
Those fork pix crack me up... Anyway:
1. Gwenyth Paltrow
2. Her head
3. Head
4. Jack Nicholson
5. That's unknown
and here are the correct answers...
(which most of you got...)
1. gwyneth paltrow
2. gwyneth paltrow's head
3. head
4. jack nicholson
5. never revealed, although quentin has speculated that it could be either marsellus wallace's soul or pure evil (the evil that men do).
Yeah I feel like a nad on the Seven question, but I had to post this because my gf laughed at me for a minute straight that I got it wrong! I told it's been a long time since I've seen it and even then I don't know if I really ever paid that much attention to it. It was good and all, but didn't hit me like it should have I guess. She says it's blasphemy, I say I just have a different taste. hahaha
Just figured I'd let you know that the fork pics just made the rounds here at the office. Ah, the internet, bringing cautionary tales to the masses...
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