we'll call this, "the day of many links...
for those of you who've been reading the blog for some time now--well, first off, thank you.
second off, you know that, over the years, i have developed a pretty cool friendship with comics legend, nick cardy! nick has put up with my phone calls for years and we always enjoy our conversations (though lately i think he prefers talking to sharon...a sweet, sweet charmer, that nick...but i'm watchin' you, cardy!)
he's become my pal, my mentor, and my unofficial extra dad, and i love 'im!
and that's saying nothing of his wonderful artwork!
but this does.
though nick already has several books out showcasing his incredible talent and body of work--check out "the art of nick cardy" by john coates and "nick cardy: comic strips" by sean menard--he's putting together yet another one featuring many of his movie poster paintings and illustrations, as well as some of his gorgeous--and mostly unseen--oil, watercolor, and acrylic work! i'd go into it, but you can read a really great interview about it over on comic book resources!
take a look!

what's that you say...? you're still all jazzed up over the PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL and are dying to read another review of the book?! that you wish you could read a well-written and carefully thought out treatise on the wonders of all things perhapanautical? that you're bored at work and wish there were something exciting to read on the internets?
look no further.
check out c harris lynn's take on the bookover on his awesome blog, "the rundown"!
for those of you ready to sharpen your wits on the "five for friday", take a moment and boil your brain with this little quiz that alison hooked me up with the other day. i'm sure those of you in the advertising industry will be able to get them all right...heh, heh...you guys'll let me know how you do, right?
go on. go check it out. i'll wait.
fun, right?
(i missed two.)
and if that wasn't fun enough...
here are your
"five for friday"
1. what popular mystery writer, who just published her 20th novel, titles her books alphabetically?
2. what comic book featured a dog and a rabbit who were private detectives and who occasionally forgot which was which?
3. what is the term used for the act of turning a liquid into a gas?
4. h2o is water. what is h3o better known as?
5. who was lancelot link?
special knock-yourself-out bonus
~ name any seven popular and/or recurring characters from any of saturday night live's 32 seasons.
have a great weekend!
smell ya later!