maybe they think we won't remember, as the powers that be continue to dumb down our society, either mis-directing us with divergent news stories to draw our attention away from their dirty tricks or, instead, hitting us with a steady barrage of information so fast that we can't keep up with the content let alone the context, our government is definitely trying to turn us into a flock of mindless sheep and are using the networks to do it.
i know that. we should all know that.
i try to keep my head down and pay attention to the big picture.
i try to stay apolitical on this blog and keep it fun.
i try not to rant.
but now they're attempting to use those same despicable tactics where i live.
in entertainment.
i am not paying for the writer's strike.
do they think we won't remember?
do they think we won't notice?
the studios, looking to cut their losses on last season's writer's strike are trying to pull a fast one. as the new seasons of your favorite shows are issued on dvd--a season that was severely truncated by the strike--the studios are hoping that you won't notice that, while the number of episodes was, in fact, cut in half, the price tag remains the same as if the box set contains a full 24 or 26 episode season.
we've already become a culture of collector's (my comic book, cd, and dvd collector make it hard for me to deny that i'm one of those sheep...) and are increasingly becoming more and more the ideal capitalistic society (did everybody see wall-e? wasn't that message about rampant consumerism just so ture? i can't wait 'til it comes out on dvd!!)
okay, so i'm already in the club--but i'm not going to slaughter quietly.
sharon digs prison break. we were standing in best buy yesterday with the new season, season three, in our hands. i haven't watched it yet, but, like lost and grey's anatomy, she likes to watch them on dvd. and now that she's got me hooked on grey's, i'm anxiously awaiting season four's release on september 9th, so that we can catch up and enjoy the new shows beginning on september 25th. i said to her, that gives us 16 days to marathon those 26, wait! there'll only be 13, because of the strike.
and that's when i checked the pricetag.

i love tv. i love these shows.
but i am NOT going to make up the difference that the studios feel they've lost in these negotiations by paying full price for half a season.
an you shouldn't either.
sorry for the rant.
here's a picture of a little boy with a pipe.

and now the
answer to the
"five for friday"
1. according to madison avenue, what two colors are proven to trigger a hunger response in people?
red and yellow
2. who or what is JASON DJ FM AM J?
the months of the calendar year, beginning with july.
3. in 1991, what calamitous soda ad announced the coming of "the clear alternative?"
(though i keep remembering it as "pepsi clear," the official name was) "crystal pepsi."
4. who said to dolly parton that he "would give about a year's pay to peek under [her blouse]?"
johnny carson
5. here are the official titles of some pretty cool jobs.
what do each of these people do?
a. a farrier
equine hoof care--horse-shoer
b. a milliner
a hat maker
c. a luthier
a guitar maker--maker of stringed instruments
have a great labor day!
smell ya later!