whenever i hear the phrase, "is it dead?", whether it be on tv, in a movie, in a conversation, whatever, my brain immediately fills in with a line from one of my favorite monty python skits; when asking his harsh and terrifically ugly wife if the jugged-fish she wishes to serve him for breakfast is actually dead, the roughly-dragged terry jones screeches, "well, it was coughin' up blood this morning."
we spent new years with the wieringo's--which was awesome!--and during one of our many long and rambling conversations, i asked matt, what with everybody facebook and tweeting all over the place these days, was blogging dead? we both went back and forth and i think we left it at a sorta kinda maybe...
i'll admit that i've been wondering for a while now if anyone is really reading anymore. i used to feel that we were having a big discussion, a fun, and curious conversation, but i think i lost the momentum a year or two ago and just haven't gotten it back. that's okay. all things must pass...
that said, the initial motivation behind the blog was to keep any perhapa-fans out there up-to-date on the latest perhapa-doings and i will definitely continue doing that--whether y'all like it or not... : )
we've been talking for a long time about the next perhapanauts story arc and, while i thought that it was going to see publication sometime around now, we've been delayed here and there over the past year (the largest delay being the possibility of producing a perhapanauts motion comic--a project that had us quite psyched--and busy!--for a few months there but ultimately has been scratched due to some unforeseen mismanagement) and things slowed down from time to time along the way...
but we ARE all working hard on this/these stories and, just to whet your appetites and keep ourselves honest, i thought it wouldn't hurt to start out the new year with some sneak peeks at some of the wonderful stuff these wonderful artists/friends have been putting together for us...
i'm gonna be off my feet for a couple weeks here and don't know how often i'll be able to add more, s'gonna be erratic, but let's start out with a couple pages from the first issue by craig...
here's page one of the saga we're calling the australian adventure: danger down under!

...and here's another one where our remaining members of both blue team and red team meet for the first time their australian counterparts...

a page from the short story goodbye larry with art by the wonderful lauren monardo...

and a quick shot of a smiling karl courtesy matt and christian--more from this tale later...

and more from me later too...
gotta go!
smell ya later!
i'm still reading todd. :)
Me too. And that post header scared the ba-jeebers out of me!
I'm still reading, too, Todd!
Me three . . . errr . . . make that four.
Thanks for starting off the year with a preview of the next 'Haps story.
i don't get to post as much as i want, but i do read the blogs-mostly for the links, and pics and awesome stories from you and everyone else who shares things!
Still lurking about...And that whole "off my feet" thing sounded kinda' ominous. Hope all is well-ish!
I'm still here... late, but still around!
Still readin too Todd!
Could the next story be: Australian Adventure: Dangah Down Undah!
I think more people are reading than you think, like me they just aren't commenting. I really like blogs way better than facebook because I feel like i miss the posts i like on there alot because of the mass amount of bs in my newsfeed. Thanks for keeping this up.
I love that Todd puts up a post called "Coughing Up Blood This Morning" and then doesn't post again for over a week. :D
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