
Monday, July 16, 2012

craig and i are looking for a few good fans--perhapa-fans, that is!


so, as we hurtle ahead toward the debut of the all-new, all-cool PERHAPANAUTS mini-series, PERHAPANAUTS: DANGER DOWN UNDER!--due in stores this october!--craig and i are trying to garner a little more interest and a little more attention to our simple little comic and hope that we can rely on all of you to give us a shout out to your friends and family, colleagues and cohorts on facebook or linkedin or twitter or whatever. 

we'll be beefing up the frequency of blog postings, games, contests, give-aways and doing everything we can to create a stir and we KNOW that our perhapa-family is chock-full of talented and creative people who might have a few new/cool ideas on how to saturate the social media outlets with some great Perhapanauts Propaganda! got any ideas? good--'cause THAT'S gonna be our first contest!!

announcing...the PERHAPAGANDA project!!

we're looking for your designs or slogans for buttons, posters, t-shirts and banners promoting the Perhapanauts and getting the message out there! 
all will be featured on the Perhapanauts Facebook page and the winner will be selected  by a trio of judges in the comics industry! 
the winner will receive--
~  $100
~ signed copies of all five issues of the amazing upcoming series--PERHAPANAUTS: DANGER DOWN UNDER!
~ and a very, very limited edition Blacklight CHOOPIE t-shirt (as seen below)!

entries should be in no later than midnight (est) on friday, july 27, 2012

send your entries to

have fun!  


while at heroescon several weeks ago, craig and i got a chance to meet a lot of very talented perhapa-fans and urged them to send in their own pin-ups and pieces featuring our happy perhapa-gang!
one such person was jae ehrenhaft who humbly showed us some of his work on his tablet. fortunately, his daughter was proud enough of her dad to step in and REALLY show us some of his work, pulling up his portfolio and wowing craig and eric and i. wonderful stuff that YOU can check out at

busy as he is, here are two of the pieces that jae has sent in since the show!
sweet stuff!
we're hoping to see more!

thanks, jae~!


and, in getting back to having some regular fun on this site, here are a few images i grabbed from ebaumsworld's gallery of irony in action!

you can see more over at

smell ya later~!


Matt Wieringo said...

Ha! Took me a second (and a zoom-in) to get that last one.

I will Perhapawrack my Perhapabrain to Perhelp you with your Perhapaganda Perhapagenda.

Brian said...


Two ideas already sent.