so we're back and i'm finally catching my breath...
lots to do so this has to be fast~
the show was great and, though the room was full of amazing people, there was nothing so amazing as the continuous outpouring of love and condolences from people for mike. having had some time to prepare ourselves for it, craig and i tried hard to keep up the smiles and the funny stories whenever things would get a little sad, but all in all, it was just so nice to see so many people honoring such a wonderful guy! (craig and i had a little help in that our significant others, trish and sharon, were there to keep us goin'.)
comics lover, art buyer, and especially, mike fan, john higoshi, had thousands of buttons/lapel pins made up featuring the tellos coda "BY THY SIDE!" that weere given out to anyone who made a donation to the humane society in mike's name. the small gold pin came mounted, actual size, on the panel it first appeared in tellos #1. we couldn't keep them on the table.
marc nathan, organizer of the con, and his get-it-done, go-to, right hand man, brad tree, set up a table--and a fund--in mike's name where many of us signed and sketched to benifit the humane society. I don't know how much they raised, but i know it was a lot!
on saturday afternoon there was a wonderful...i don't know what to call it...tribute panel to mike, hosted by mark waid, cully hamner, scott kurtz and myself. i say i don't know what to call it 'cause it turned out to be a lot of things, lots of laughs, some reminiscences, a few tears...but it also got a bit blue. things got a little raunchy once or twice, but i can't tell you right now--mike woulda liked it!
on saturday night, mark (waid) hosted a open private wake for pros and people who knew ringo. mark had arranged for an open bar and some wonderful appetizers, and the place soon filled up with so many of the top talent in the comics industry today. cully had made some really great billboards of mike and so we all felt him there. mark said a few words and i echoed his sentiments, nick barrucci toasted mike, and erik larsen noted how we should all appreciate each other, while we're here.
it was a winderful evening. mike woulda liked it!
craig and i--well, i really think it was more brian and sharon--sold a bunch of perhapanauts trades and craig debuted not one, but two new canson paper sketch books (if you haven't seen his gorgeous work on these, check out some of his stuff on !)) but the big draw wwas the perhapanauts "lost covers" portfolio! i'll be showing the other covers over the next week or so, but craig and i were stunned at how very popular they were. we have a few left and they will be available for sale very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for more on this cool new perhapa-thing!
and so, it was a great show and, though craig and i were sure we were gonna have a really hard time of it, going to a convention for the first time in a looooong time without our third musketeer. but with the help of "the girls" (sharon and trish), and friends (like mark waid, cully, scott kurtz, randy green, kelly yates, rico, and so many more) and especially mike's many, MANY fans...we got through it.
so here are a bunch of random pics--i didn't get my camera out until sunday, didn't get too far from our table, and didn't get any shots of a lot of the people i shoulda...) next year, YOU come to the show and take some pictures for me...!

the perhapanauts booth group shot
(me, sharon, brian, and craig)
(what the hell is goin' on with my hair...?)
sharon's first show
(a comics convention virgin--she did very, VERY well!)
(i have a man-crush on)

the cully

artists extraordinaire
randy and kelly
(green and yates)

trish and craig
and here is a section i call "me and some pretty girls"...

my pal, xan sprouse, hugs me and tells me she's gonna put the picture on her myspage, but i am NO elvis costello!
(she's got elvis costello.)

my pal, alicia, who is always smiling and is cute and does me favors like driving my too-big-to-get-on-the-plane flatboxes back to albany for me. and i will make it up to her.

and especially, shay (sharon) and me--my helper and companion, my nora and my rock! thanks for helping me (us) through this...
and thats all for now!
so until next time, smell ya later...

...and bye from those perhapa-guys!!'
(really! what the hell's with the hair...?)
I'm glad the con was a positive experience for you. I'm glad that you guys raised alot of money for the Humane Society. I'm glad Mike's fans turned out to support you guys. But most of all, I'm glad that Mike woulda liked it!
Hey Todd,
I'm glad you had a good time at the con. It was great meeting you and talking to you for a bit at the Humane Society table on Saturday. (thanks muchly for the signed Perhapanauts print!). I definitely need to catch up on 'Flight of the Conchords' episodes.
The panel for Mike was great. I don't know what I expected, but it really left me feeling happy more than anything else and was the highlight of the show for me. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Honestly, I could have listened to you guys talk all night. Thank you for sharing your memories and thoughts-- it meant a lot to this Mike fan.
--Leanne (the "Tellos patch" chick)
The love and support for Mike was amazing and the folks down at the Humane Society booth were great, but no one topped the absolutely fabulous Sharon and Trish. Don't ever let those two slip away guys as you'll spend a lifetime kicking yourselves.
The show went by in a blur, but the stand out for me was the Remembering Ringo panel. You, Scott, Cully and Mark did an amazing job and I can think of no greater tribute to Mike than the laughter that filled up that room.
As for Mr. Higashi, what more can be said. The pin idea was pure genius and was a big help in the raising of funds in Mike's memory.
The hair's kinda half a Flock of Seagulls. It's a solid look, Todd. (I can't say anything. Angie cut my hair this morning.)
Excellent to hear that the show was a success and that the memory/tributes to Mike are strong as ever. Sorry we couldn't make it. Any chance of seeing a pic of the pin? They sound quite snazzy.
Hey man, thanks for makin' everything awesome for me at the show! Being my first comic convention, I had a total blast. It was great to meet all of you guys(and gal), everyone was so gracious and patient! Sharon was very sweet, don't let go of her daggumit! You guys did a great job at the panel, especially since I could tell how hard it was to do it. And I'm sure Mike was watching and loved every minute of it, especially when the lady and her kid got up and walked out during one of Scott's stories! I also could have sat there for hours longer just listening to the stories about Mike. I have pictures from the panel and the one of us that once I get uploaded I'll send them your way and I'll try to post them up as well. Also, did you ever get that 'talk' done you needed to do?
It was great meeting you at the convention, and thanks for the sketch of Beast. I'm glad to hear you guys had a good too.
This was my first time at the Baltimore show and the energy level was just incredible! Is it like that every year? My frind and I had a great time. Though the 6 hour trip back home sapped some of my productivity yesterday.
Sounds great. And to think I missed it for a blown out back. Maybe I was being punished. And I TOLD you those covers would be a hit.
As for the hair, did you stick your head out the window on the cabride over to the con? Last week, I came back from the doctor and the parking attendant at work complimented me on my new 'do. I thanked her but in the elevator I saw my reflection and my hair was sticking straight up on the window side. I'd driven back with the window down. Yikes.
Personally, I love the hair. You're a beautiful man. Remember, I live to serve others' egos... ;-)
Man, it was REALLY great to see you and finally meet Sharon. She's at the top of the list of wonderful people in your life, so be good to her. I'm so glad we managed to have time for that dinner, and I have a feeling Mike had something to do with facilitating that. Can't wait to see you guys again, bro!
I'm sorry I missed the convention. It sounds like a great time was had. And Sharon will no longer have to be intimidated by conventions. I hope she enjoyed herself. Having had Abby work our booth with us, it's safe to say that you have a special lady, who's willing to do that.
And seriously, what's up with your hair.
Suzanne just said to tell you that Sharon and Trish are byooteeful. (Actually, I said that too.) They're coming to Heroes next year, right? Right?
Thanks for posting the pics, Todd. Next best thing to being there, along with your stories and highlights.
To Mike (Heywood): If you're referring to the Buzzboy tribute poster from Sky-Dog ('Ringo drew the cover to our TPB, and I had the honor of inking it), We'll have them at Heroes Con next year in Charlotte, and probably in New York in April. I'm also going to check into how we might be able to make them available online. We were taking donations for the ASPCA (in Mike's name) in Baltimore, so we'll probably continue to do that. Details about the poster on my blog (just click my name and follow the link).
If you weren't referring to that, than sorry for butting in!
And aplologies to Todd for hijacking the comments section. We now return to comments about your hair! ;-)
Hey Todd, this is Steve (Brian's roommate over the weekend). Just wanted to stop by and say it was great getting to meet you and having the opportunity to talk with you for a while! Can't wait to get start those 'haps books, and Tellos as well!
Great seeing you again. We miss seeing you every year at the now defunct Uticon. We have to get you to guest at the new Syracuse show! Thanks for signing some of my stuff (I never did get a chance to see you on Sunday to get my last few issues of Tellos signed...always next time!) I'm very jealous of that Beast that you did for my friend Adam...have to give you my sketchbook next time. The pins were a great tribute, and one of my most cherished pick-ups from the show, along with my Craig Rousseau Jarek sketch. Hope to see you again soon.
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