as promised sometime last week, here are all the plates from the PERHAPANAUTS "Lost Covers" Portfolio.
for those of you who might have been absent last week (and where is your note...?), the "lost covers" portfolio consists of five original plates featuring the covers to past issues that never existed. what i mean is, they are the covers to the issues that were referred to in the letters column but never were.
got that?
so here they are...

they also come in a snazzy wrap-around cover and feature the original letters that inspired them.
craig did a phenomenal job with them and you can have the set for a mere $20 (us) plus shipping.
check out the "buy stuff" section on the perhapanauts main page.
all proceeds go toward paying rico for printing them up.
and maybe tossing craig a buck or two...
see ya friday!
smell ya later!
I didn't remember the letter column for lost issue No. 473 and wasn't able to find it in my back issues, though there was one issue of the second mini-series that didn't have a letters page. Was the letters page written just fot he Baltimore exclusive, did I just miss it or are you still having a little fun?
Hey Todd... can a Canadian get in on these, too? They look great!
but i think it'll cost you...a million dollars.
the letters page for issue 473 actually appeared in the back of issue 53. look again, i'm sure you'll see it.
I never got to say this at the show but I was one of those that got duped. hahaha....When I first read the first issue I went nuts looking around, and THEN the light bulb finally went off and I smacked my forehead and swore like a trucker! These covers though were awesome and I'm so glad I got to grab a set-awesome job all around guys!
Those covers are so awesome. You guys did a great job putting that together. (Kudos to Craig on the art too!) You've managed to make me nostalgic for books that don't even exist.
The Lost Covers was such a neat little idea. I read the first trade on the car ride back to Central NY from Baltimore (after the baby decided it would be more fun to sleep than scream), and it was just plain fun. Now to get my hands on that second trade.
Waiting(rather impatiently)for the portfolio and the dossier. I have already made the cover of the portfolio (that silhouette job) my wallpaper on my work computer.
What I want to know is when these "lost" issues will be reprinted again for the first time? (Yeah, that's right.)
Excellent work, chums. Maybe Angie won't notice $20 missing from the account...
Those are fantastic. Craig did an amazing job. I love the issue 473 cover. That may be my favorite. I know it's a "future" issue. But, I'm a little scared that the 15.99 cover price isn't too far away.
Hard to choose a favorite, but if you put a toy gun to my head - and didn't let me pick the really lost cover of Issue No. 100 - I'd go with No. 17, 20,000 Leagues Under Loch Ness
thanks, guys...
can't quite figure out which one's my favorite (but i'm leaning towards 17 and 473 myself... and of course the 100th issue spectacular!)
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