i have been rather silent here the past week or so telling myself--and craig--that, well, nothing's really happening much around here...(other than the fact that craig has heroically managed to set aside some very precious time to really crank out a huge number of perhapanauts pages lately, getting us ever closer to publication and getting me really REALLY excited...!)
so aside from that, i hadn't really had any news...
and then, well, it all started pouring in!
so here are some cool things to fill your day and pique your curiosity...
as craig continues to find time to finish up what i'm calling the main story in our upcoming miniseries, one of our other oh-so-talented and equally generous artists, eric henson has finished his back-up story and is eagerly, (im)patiently awaiting further instructions. while i don't want to say much about the story (okay...choopie, molly, keith and karl go off to investigate reports of...another chupacabra?!?!?) i posted the first page or two of eric's story in a previous post and don't want to reveal any more, but i can show you eric's flip cover for the issue here...

and if you'd like to see two very talented, yet very different colorists took to this masterpiece, you can see how alex sollazzo and nate lovett envisioned the gang over on eric's blogfolio...
as always, thanks eric!
as the long-awaited tellos colossal vol. 2 inches closer to release--and it looks fantastic, gang!! image did such a great job on this, i'm thinking of picking one up for myself...!!--i've gotten in touch with several of the contributing artists just to check in and see how they're doing. my pal thor badendyck--who i don't get over to see as much as i'd like to--linked me to this gorgeous wonder woman piece that he did a little while ago that just blew me away!

i love the perfect blend of strength and beauty here. i've had a crush on ww for a long time now, but have noticed that many artists either make her too glamorous or too much of a brute. this is a lovely mix.
you can see more of thor's beautiful work at his site/gallery at
and, from across the pond...
my two friends, ellie and lily egleton of the very famous FIRST CLASS COMIC REVIEW fanzine, were patiently, but excitedly, awaiting the arrival of this past weekend as they were going with their father, tim, to a comic book convention in london that would feature none other than stan the man lee himself! the girls were eagerly hoping that they might be able to score some time with mr. lee, but, knowing how these things tend to go, i was trying to gently prepare them for the possibility that they might only get the customary handshake and a smile as the photographer popped their pic with the legend and then sent them on their way. (no dis on stan--but he's just SO popular and SO busy...)
but i guess i underestimated the tenacity of these two junior journalists, their drive to get their story...and maybe their all-around cuteness. the girls managed to not only get a picture with stan, but were able to be a part of a mutual interview; they talked to stan for the next big issue of FCCR and stan grilled them for his own company's webcast! great job, ladies!

lily, stan, and ellie
and as if that weren't enough, here's some vid of stan's panel in london where, as ellie put it, "6 mins and 8 seconds in something really cool happens :D "
okay, i'm outta here~!
smell ya later!
Gotta love Stan the Man!! And thanks for Thor's awesome Diana! Super-pumped for more Haps!!! KARL!!!!!!!!!
Thor's Wonder Woman is gorgeous.
Have not had a chance to check out the video yet, but looking forward to doing so tonight.
Also, Yeah! New 'Haps pages.
So happy to support your organization.
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