to reiterate, we will be setting up shop at the

...and we hope you'll swing by to see us! it's bound to be a great show and craig and i will have some great deals at the table!
more as we get closer, but hope to see you there!
and here are a few cool jpgs that i have accumulated over the past few weeks; the first one is a super-cute one from dani (her words, not mine...) and the others i grabbed from monday morning randomness over at

and this one...i don't know what it is about photos like this that get me going. mostly, i think it's the innocence of the kid who's wearing the shirt. or the expression on his face. yeah, he's so badass!

smell ya later~!
If I had to guess, I'd say the lettering on the shirt was a photoshop job.
but i love it anyway...
see ya next week, bri~!
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