so now that issue 2 of PERHAPANAUTS: Danger Down Under! has been solicited in Previews, we can reveal to you here the super-freakin' awesome cover that our pal, JOE STATON, was kind enough to do for us!
i've been friends with joe for a number of years now--he and his enchanting wife, Hilarie, live nearby and are part of our "family" get-togethers every couple of months up here in the mid-hudson valley. as with many of my friends, i have to bite my tongue before becoming a complete slobbering fanboy, gushing about this comic book cover or that story. joe has created SO MANY iconic and well-loved covers over the years, that craig and i feel especially honored that he would spend some time with our 'haps!

joe has worked on so many of your favorites, that it'd make your head explode just to think about it!
e-man, the hulk, the justice society, green lantern, batman, scooby-doo...the list goes on...!
and joe is currently gracing the pages of that legendary comic strip character, DICK TRACY, available in many newspapers across the country..and available to YOU as a daily subscription--there's nothing cooler than having a dose of crime busters show up in your email every morning!--through!
thanks so much, joe~!
you've made a dream of ours come true!
more on friday!
smell ya later!
PS--man, i was so stoked to present the great joe cover--and so very tired--i wrote this in the middle of the night--that i completely forgot to give credit to the wonderful colorist on this gorgeous piece--our own NATE LOVETT!!!
so SO sorry, nate---you did a phenomenal job and i can't believe i dropped the ball here!
thank you so much!
nate is also coloring the stories by lauren monad-gramprey and eric henson throughout the series and doing an amazing job with it!
thanks again, nate--and sorry...
Tidy work from one of the greats!
what no love for the colorist of it?! ;)
i wrote this very, very early this morning, nate, half-asleep.
i'm so SO sorry--and will correct that immediately with a retro-fit!
I love to watch Joe draw at Heroes Con! It's like magic flows from his pen!
And I'm very much looking forward to Danger Down Under. I miss Big and the gang.
The new 'Haps are so close I can almost taste it . . . and, Choopie, it tastes like chicken.
"Secret Origins of Superheroes"...Man, I wish comics were still like this...
The 'haps and Dick Tracy art is awesome. Between Staton on the Tracy strip, and Graham Nolan on Rex Morgan, the daily strips are grabbing my attention more than the big two these days....
Oh, man! Love that cover! Just found a hidden cache of SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN comics that Joe drew. Great stuff.
Oh, man! Love that cover! Just found a hidden cache of SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN comics that Joe drew. Great stuff.
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