this'll be quick as i have a few things to throw out here today.
first and foremost is a reminder that craig and i (along with such fan faves as michael avon oeming, neil vokes, and dave tata!) will be attending the PRIMATE PROMOTIONS COMIC CONVENTION in BOSTON this sunday, febrruary 19th! if you're in the area and you have nothing much to do, come on down! it's lots of fun and, truthfully, we get sick of each other after awhile and would really appreciate some new faces to talk to!
next, our pal scott w. (and really, when i say pal i'm not covering it--scott is a great friend and we're looking forward to hanging out with him at the new york show the following weekend!) (you too, kojee!) anyway, after sending me his guest blog about the ghosts of williamsburg last week, he followed up with some cool information about a religious/christian variant called the druze that, among other things, interjects a great deal of reincarnation belief into their daily lives. check this out:
These stories are from my buddy David. They take
place in Lebanon in the early 1900s. His family is
This is a sect of Christianity. The main thing to
know about them for these stories is that they believe
in reincarnation. So, here they are as told by David:
A little girl refuses to go see any doctor until she
hears my uncle's (a pediatrician) name mentioned. She
agrees to go see my uncle. During the Doctor visit,
she tells him that she was a patient of his in her
previous life. She had been accidentally shot to
death by her brother at a family picnic. She
remembers being shot, the trip to the hospital, and
then everything went black (she had died shortly after
arriving at the hospital.)
another one:
My grandfather, as a child in the early 1900s,
insisted he had another family in another town. The
family doctor, not knowing what to do, told his
parents to let him take them where he wanted to go.
He led them, by donkey or carriage or whatever they
had 100 years ago, on a several-day trip to the other
village. Once there, he went straight to his old
house and identified every member of this family that
he had never seen before -- by name. The handwriting
of the dead guy and my grandfather's are identical.
fascinating stuff, scott--but then it always is! thanks!
and finally, i've gotten a couple of letters complaining that i didn't continue posting some of craig's early sketches of the team waaaay before we really knew who they were. so here's a couple of an early choopie and an early big. more next week!

thanks, everybody!
see ya in beantown!
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