have i told you how incredibly talented my best pal and partner, craig rousseau, is lately?
no? well, he is. i'm not gonna go on and on with it 'cause he gets all squingy when you start throwin' him the praise, but lemme take a moment to send ya over to HIS website and blog and let ya see some of the sweet stuff this guy does BESIDES the perhapanauts. i'm gonna include a couple of pieces here, just to dress my own blog up (with other people's work), but make sure you take a look at craig's gallery to see some of the gorgeous stuff he's done.

craig, as i've said for quite sometime now, is what i consider to be a true artist, extremely versatile, able to work in several different mediums, in a range of different styles. that's not to say he doesn't have his own distinct look, but, man, he can really do it!

i love all of what craig does, but am lately drawn more to his canson paper sketches/pieces (that's colored paper with colored pencils--like so...)

i am always amazed at the shading he can accomplish with these, the depth that he defines with contrasting colors, not to mention the beautiful textures he can evince.
real nice!
if you wanna see some more, run, don't walk over to craig's own personal website -- www.craigrousseau.com --and check out the gallery. or, i should say, gallerIES!
and on his own blog he did a canson of choopie that shouldn't be missed by any TRUE perhapa-fan...!
also, he--along with our ever-loyal, extremely over-worked, rico--accomplished in this perhapanauts series something that i thought just couldn't be done in the sequential, static medium of comics. he was able to hide things.
i gotta run!
see ya here on wednesday with the "five on friday" answers...
smell ya later!
Craig Rousseau? Ya, he's OK...
Hide Stuff? So, what else have I been missing?
As for Craig's Powergirl, I saw that beauty in person in Baltimore and, as they say on ebay, the picture does not do it justice.
I fourth and fifth praise for Craig. And super nice dude on top of great ability.
I should post this in the other section. But, Brian, nice work on your Christmas story. You really captured the tone of the series. But, that raises a question for Todd...
Hey Todd, could Molly make out with someone in her special blue room? We've seen that she can manipulate objects in there.
Thanks Scott, I appreciate the comment and, in reference to your comment in the prior post, I got a big kick out of the fact that you printed it out to read on the subway.
molly can touch nothing, nowhere.
~she is co-opting the (unconscious) body of another
~an item has been "ghosted"--shifted to occupy the same vibrational plane as her by techs in the ecto wing of bedlam. at this point this process has only been successful on certain inanimate items and devices. these items appear the same blue as molly and she can use them for as long as they remain stable in that form.
so the answer is no. no touching, no making out, no physical contact with anything.
poor molly.
Poor Molly? Poor Brian, more likely...
Craig Rousseau pencil crayon stuff is some of my favorite. I love his style, it's distinctly his own.
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