as the nature of the comics industry has become so much like the movie business, with everything shrouded in shadows of secrecy, i sadly, STILL can't tell you about the various projects i've been spending my time on these past few...months...? has it been months...?!? also, in two cases, things have stopped, stalled, started several times so that i'm not really sure that we're comin' or goin'.
say la vee...
and as summer races along--man, it's goin' too fast!--i'm desperately trying to have some fun and hang on to as much of it as i can. unfortunately, my back isn't quite 100% yet--thanks to everyone for the well wishes--but it's more that i'm taking it easy so as not to mess it up again. i'll be on vacation next week with my family--goin' down to the outer banks--and am trying to line up a guest blogger (or bloggers) so as to keep things going here.
more on that on friday.
as for today, i really haven't much to tell. or report. or comment on. lots of crazy comic book news out of san diego, but nothing that has me crazy myself. anyone? bueller?
(no segue available)
back in the 60's when i was but a wee lad, the transogram company, makers of fine toys and games the world over, put out a series of spooky, scary games to tap into the then popular monster craze.

a sucker for ebay, i'm proud to say that i own one of each of these. neither one is a very good "game', though i must admit, for just getting some friends together to sit in the dark and try to scare each other they're awesome!! : )
also from transogram (a few years earlier, i think) was this tv-show, batmania inspired batman flyer! rubber band propelled it was the coolest glider i ever had!

it soared straight up into the christmas morning sky, climbing higher and higher--so high that we lost sight of it for a moment--and then spotted it again as it crashed right into the top branches of the tallest pine tree in the neighborhood.
it had been it's second flight.
it never came down.
since i won't be here next week to follow up on any trivia questions,
here are "five for wednesday"...
1. what was the (tricky) name of the mirror that showed you your greatest desire in "harry potter and the sorcerer's stone"?
2. what is bart afraid that the girls will see when homer dares him to skateboard across town naked?
3. what two famous actors played the role of the masochistic dental patient in both versions of "little shop of horrors"?
4. in the book version of "the wizard of oz", what was it that the lion wanted from the wizard?
5. i'll give the real name, you give the superhero
rex mason
kevin plunder
cliff secord
hobie brown
hank pym
so summer fun and old toys is what i've been up to.
enjoy your summer!
see ya friday!
Glad you're feeling better Todd! Hopefully, we'll get to hear what you're working on soon, cuz now curiosity is setting in big time. Ebay is a very very dangerous place at times. I pick up too many runs of older comic books that I never get to read way too much! As for your five for weds. I only have answers for #5 hahaha:
Rex Mason=Metamorpho
Kevin Plunder=Ka-Zar
Cliff Secord=The Rocketeer
Hobie Brown=The Prowler
Hank Pym=Ant-Man,Giant Man,Goliath,Yellowjacket
As far as the news out of San Diego, I'm a little excited about Creepy and Erie being revived by Dark Horse and that Chris Bachalo will be working on Spiderman.
Not a lot of answers for the trivia here.
1. ?
2. Little Bart?
3. Jack Nicholson and Bill Murry
4. Courage. In the musical he just wanted a solo, one freakin' solo, was that too much to ask.
5. Rex Mason - ?
Kevin Plunder - ?
Hobie Brown - ?
Cliff Secord - The Rocketeer
Hank Pym - Ant-Man, Giantman, Mr. Wasp.
All I got are Jack Nicholson & Steve Martin, and Metamorpho & Ant-Man, etc. Bad week for me. Hopefully it gets better for you, back-wise. Have fun on vacation.
Yes, have a great vacation.
Speaking of old toys, a favorite model of mine from when I was a kid, the ship, Voyager, from the saturday morning cartoon "Fantastic Voyage" is being reissued and was in the previews for September so I ordered myself one for old times sake.
1. Mirror of Erised
2. the front of his back
3. Jack Nicholson as Wilbur Force and Bill Murray as Arthur Dentin
4. Courage
5. I don't know.
Continue to take it easy Todd, we'll still be around to find out what you are "hiding" from us. We will discover all your secrets. ;)
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