because we play volleyball on monday nights, and because we didn't get dvr until just a few months ago, sharon and i spent most of this weekend watching the last three discs of HEROES season one. i had watched the first episode way back when and felt that, for a comic book geek, a lot of what they were doing was a bit cliche and didn't know if i'd dig it. as the season went on though both craig and scott told me that it was actually moving beyond the usual and that it was definitely worth checking out.
and it definitely was.
we really dug it and, of course, fell in love with all of the characters, and while i wrote an amazingly different (read: better : ) finale in my head, all in all, we can't wait to see what happens to the now familiar gang.
and to meet the new ones.

along with my name is earl, 30 rock, the office, and saturday night live, i've got heroes on a season pass.
i'll add lost in january.
and i'll probably add chuck, pushing daisies, and a couple more beefore the week is out.
even when i was a kid, i've always looked forward to new season premiere week. or new fall season (as tv guide used to call it...)
so, whatcha watching?
what new shows have piqued YOUR interest?
what old shows can you not wait for?
lemme know.
smell ya later~
I can not wait for Heroes! I was a big fan, and after moving it took me months to finally get to all the episodes on my DVR.
I'm also looking forward to Earl, The Office, 30 Rock...
AND, just last week started a couple of my Favs... Always Sunny in Philidelphia, and Prison Break! If you haven't seen it, Always Sunny is so wrong, but I laugh harder at that show than I ever have anything else... which makes me a jerk.
Todd-I'm also looking forward to season 2 of Heroes.
I'll be watching Chuck. Looks like it'll be fun (with lot's o' comedic action).
I'll be checking out Moonlight
(about Vampires) and Reaper(Devilish comedy)also, but I haven't made up my mind about those two yet.
I have to admit that I haven't been watching Heroes. A friend has it on dvd and I'm going to borrow it to watch when/if i ever have any time to. Not sure of what I'm excited to see that's new really. The only shows I've seen stuff for were Journeyman(which looks a little bit like a rip from Quantum Leap in ways) and that looks eh to me. Bionic Woman looks eh as well(although the actress is hot! haha). Pushing Daisies looks like it might be good for a laugh. There's a show called Reaper coming out on the CW that looks alright as well.
What I'm looking to watch in returns: How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural(love this show), Smallville(just to see where it goes as it hasn't been the greatest). USA just finished up a show Burn Notice, which I wish it was going to still be running cuz it rocked. And I'm going to finish up Eureka on Sci-Fi cuz that is really cool too. Oh and it's not a 'NEW' show, but sci-fi on Weds. nights is going to be re-airing a show with Matthew Fox called Haunted that was really cool as well, but didn't do so well in ratings.*PHEW* Ok that's it from my long winded post!
Oh yeah Emilio mentioned the other one I was trying to remember: Moonlight, but I'm on the fence as well.
I really like Burn Notice as well, but like Mike 'Heywood' mentioned it just finished it's season.
BTW - those are real Miami locations, NOT fake backlot sets with some occasional external shots, like on CSI Miami (filmed in California).
ah, prison break...
sharon loves it and claims it's because of the storyline, but i think it's more about super-hottie-man wentworth miller. but that's just me, i could be wrong...
journeyman could be cool.
reaper--is that the new one with ray wise (twin peaks) as the devil? love ray--hope it does well.
also life looks interesting and i thought damien lewis was great in band of brothers. and i wanna check out bionic woman, but not if it becomes an alias clone.
There are a lot of cool sounding shows. Chuck looks interesting. Of course, Heroes is going to be cool. Reaper sounds interesting. Pushing Daisies sounds cool. And Bionic Woman looks like it will be a lot of fun.
Looking forward to the second ep of Bionic Woman. Downloaded the pilot on TiVo's Amazon Unboxed free side. Interesting setup of the basic premise of the whole show, it's not our 70's Bionic Woman or 6mil Man.
Chuck looks good, have it downloaded but haven't watched yet. How I Met Your Mother returning and the next season of Amazing Race.
Oh, and HOCKEY!!!!!!!
I want to see Pushing Daisies.. I might watch Private Practice after it. I think that starts next week though. Also the new season of Ugly Betty followed by Grey's Anatomy. I'm not a real big fan of Ugly Betty but I want to see what happened to what's his name Justin's father that got shot. I was just starting to like him.
My big show (Avatar the Last Airbender) had its season premiere last Friday night. I'm looking forward to Hiro's, the Office and 30 Rock, as well.
well, every year i say i'm not gonna get sucked into new shows... and every year i do (heck, i said i wasn't gonna bother with flight of the conchords... silly me!)
besides returning shows like my name is earl, the office (JUST finished rewatching the last season on dvd - some of the outtakes were priceless creed.), 30 rock, heroes (yeah, now you now what i meant about pretty "eh" finale...), friday night lights (fantastic show i watched on dvd earlier this month) and midseason lost, 24, and scrubs, i'll probably try out chuck (tivoing even as i type), bionic woman, reaper and pushing daisies...
as well as baseball and football.
doesn't hurt tht the tv is in fron tof the drawing board...
Let's see.
For returning shows, it's Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, Everybody Hates Chris, Bones, 30 Rock, Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy, though it's on a short leash and I have zero interest in its spin-off, Private Practice, as the introductory episode for it on Grey's last year was almost unwatchable.
Earl was starting to lose steam for me at the end of last year, but I'll check it out to see what happens to Earl in prison, Prison break exceded my personal ability to suspend disbelief and so I've had to let it go, House is on a short leash since it too was getting repetative, though an entire new staff for House might shake things up.
For new shows, I'll be checking out Chuck, Samantha Who with Christina Applegate - love her, Reaper and Pushing Daisies - I'm not crazy about the premise, but I hear it's very good.
I watched Back to You with Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton and it was a pretty middle of the road comedy with few to no laughs and a "secret" between the two leads that doesn't look too promising comedy wise. I do like both actors, so I'll give it a few episodes.
Moonlight sounded like it could be interesting, but I hear that it's been going through changes and recasting, and that is never a good sign.
I'll also probably give Bionic Woman a look, but I didn't like the original too much and I have not heard good things about this new incarnation.
I'm probably gonna give Heroes a look this season. I had some issues with the first season. Like everytime there was what should have been a eye-popping action scene, the action took place off-camera. And when we finally got a chance to see Nikki cut loose and fight Sylar, all she did was swing a parking meter at him. A freaking parking meter! I could have swung a parking meter at him!
Of course, then I'd be missing half of my skull, but...
I really liked the season premier of the Legion of Superheroes. I liked the season premier of the Batman also. I hope they don't forget the fun interplay with Batgirl and Robin as they bring the Justice League into the picture.
Burn Notice was really good. I like Eureka also, but so far this season, it seems to be missing something. It's still the best made in America science fiction series in a long time. (Hmm... maybe it's made in Canada, now that I think of it...)
Lost kinda lost me after the second season, but I've been keeping up with it sorta by lurking on various Lost boards.
But the best show of the fall --
Cubs in the playoffs!
I'm trying not to watch anything new this season, though Pushing Daisies has all this buzz around it that has me curious. I'm trying to just stick with my old shows.
I didn't watch Heroes and everyone gives me crap for it, so I might have to rent the dvds and find time to watch it.
I thought the Heroes finale and tonight's premiere were both kind of "meh." I'm excited for Heroes to start picking up.
I'm really excited about Bionic Woman too. That's wednesday.
We watched Journeyman tonight. We really liked it. Did anybody else watch it?
I'm looking forward to Heroes too. It's waiting for me on the ole DVR. I wasn't able to catch it last night, stoopid responsibilities!
How I Met Your Mother's premier was really funny. I did manage to catch that one before going to bed.
The other new shows I'm interested in are: Chuck and Journey (both on the DVR). I was also looking forward to New Amsterdam but I guess Fox pushed that back to a mid-season replacement.
Returning shows I'm looking forward to: Smallville (I just really enjoy this show, can't help it), Friday Night Lights and Jericho (we dodged a bullet with that one).
if you ever come down and visit me again, i'll lend you the first season of heroes...
I tend to get frustrated when new shows roll out because, if I like them, they get cancelled. (SURFACE, THRESHOLD, etc.) But I can't help myself. I'm looking forward to BIONIC WOMAN, though a friend whose opinion I value told me it stinks. He said JOURNEYMAN wasn't great but it was entertaining and interesting. And that's about it for new shows.
Looking forward to watching HEROES and PRISON BREAK on DVR from last night. I thought the same thing about HEROES, Todd. The first few episodes, everytime a new character was introduced, I'd say, "That's Rogue...That's Wolverine..." But it got better. Until it stole the ending from my story "Singularity." But I forgive them. As for PRISON BREAK, it's a guilty pleasure but we can't stop. And Suzanne freely admits she's hot on Wentworth. She thinks he'd make a great Jesse Custer. I think he'd be better as Steve Austin, a man barely alive.
I don't get to watch too much telli between work & the kids but I love the Monday night comedys (How I met your mother, two and ahalf men, etc) and try not to miss Numb3rs or Criminal Minds .. but I am really looking forward to JERICHO. We got hooked on that and fought to bring it back when it was cancelled so we are anxiously awaiting to see it.
If you get the chance - check it out Friday nights at 9:00pm - CBS. Great show! Trust me it's about much more then nuclear bombs going off in the US.. MUCH MORE!
Heroes was awesome last night. I'm also looking forward to House, Ghost Hunters, and The Office!
Todd - I may take you up on that soon. I need an excuse to get away from this damn computer anyway! Ha.
Reaper is the one with Ray Wise, who was my hero as Leland Palmer in Twin Peaks. Man that show was awesome! And the first episode is directed by Kevin 'Silent Bob' Smith.
I really liked Reaper. I laughed like crazy through almost the show. I loved how Bert kept hitting Sam with stuff to "test" his ability to move things with his mind. Before I saw it I was expecting it to be more like "Dead Like Me" - I guess cause of the premise of being a reaper. I was totally surprised in a good way.
This season I shall be watching Heroes (just finished Season One last night... two disks at a time for three days), then comes the new season of Smallville, as a huge Superman fan, I can't not watch this show, wasn't into it for the first few seasons, but man, it's actually starting to get decent! My Name is Earl is a must. After that, I don't know any of these new TV shows, Chuck seems promising as does Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so those are the two shows I'll be checking out soon. That and Oilers hockey games.
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