hope you had a nice weekend and are getting into the spirit!
sharon and i watched "it's a wonderful life!" last night...

what are you watching ...?
so, i've mentioned my pal, kc carlson, here a few times--and posted his responses to the "five for friday" once or twice since something in his computer won't allow him to register with blogger (and for those of you who can't or don't want to do that, please remember that you can still send your comments to me at todd@perhapanauts.com and i'll be happy to put them up for you!). kc is formerly from wisconsin--a state very near and dear to my heart--is a former editor from dc comics--guiding, among others, superman and the legion to new heights in the late 80's and 90's--and, as i have been finding out over the past few months, an INCREDIBLE musicfile!! holy crap--this guy knows EVERYTHING!!
kc also writes various articles and essays for many of the cooler on-line comics sites and magazines.
so, as we have been trading things back and forth, one of things kc threw my way was a link to his latest column at westfieldcomics.com, the topic, as you will see, being comic book collecting. or rather, the manic obsession that has gripped us all at one time or another as we hunt down our elusive four-colored treasures! go check it out--it's a wonderful story told by an excellent storyteller!
kc's column at westfield comics--
here are the answers to the
"five for friday"
1. which godzilla foe looked like a giant turtle?
(though my buddy, bill nolan, points out that gamera was the top monster at a rival movie company and that he and gozilla never battled--but they did at the box office!! : )
(no? sorry, bill--you're right...)
2. originally, lucky charms featured only four marshmallow shapes; orange stars, pink hearts, yellow moons, and green clovers. in 1979 a fifth shape was added. what was it?
blue diamonds
3. what is the name of the publishing company responsible for the amazing modern masters series featuring insights into the lives and careers of comics legends?
4. what time is it?
in the words of yogi berra when asked the time by mickey mantle, "you mean now?"
5. name five of the real people who have appeared in the perhapanauts.
joann defile
brian mulcahy
khial forges
scott weinstein
rico renzi
trish sheehan
dr. michael o'neil
dr. baldev das
jeff mccluskey
craig and me
(plus, while the cast of "scrubs" appears in second chances, but i wasn't counting them because it's actually their characters rather than the real people. but we can count them too...)
gotta fly!
smell ya later!
I've watched some of the regular Christmas shows from before.
I also saw one I hadn't seen before, called "Eve's Christmas" (from 2004).
It was a sappy go back in time to fix your love life bit, but I enjoyed it and the actress, Elisa Donovan is really cute, too!
I'll go check out KC's column in a bit.
for the 5 er,
I don't really watch "scrubs" enough to have spotted the characters.
So even though I went back and reviewed the TBPs, I still only recognised you and Craig (although for some reason I had remembered you guys as security guards instead of Homicide Detectives).
Finally, it seems that the answer to #4 could have been so many different things, as some of the other answers made sense.
Take it easy.
I went with the Scrubs folks since I couldn't remember Joann or Khial's last names and completely forgot about Rico and Scott - shame on me. Actually, given that they film Scrubs in a real, albeit no longer used as, hospital building, that would have been hilarious if MG brought Arisa to the set instead of a working hospital and that she used her mental powers on them to make them BELIEVE they actually were doctors.
I've never watched "It's A Wonderful Life." Probably never will. Jimmy Stewart just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I will be watching the 24 hours of the "The Christmas Story" though. Gotta love those Bumpis Hounds.
I need to read my 'Nauts again and see who I can pick out. Now that I've finally met you and Craig I should have an easier time spotting you.
hey, everyone!
i was informed by the omnipresent roger ash over at westfield comics, that there was a problem with the web address/link that i posted to kc's column.
i've fixed it in the body of the blog and will put it right here...
...as well.
My answer to #4 was from the "What time is it" song in High School Musical 2. Really don't follow baseball, so didn't know about the Yogi quote.
What I've watched is "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "Santa Clause 3." Still haven't found a showing of "A Christmas Carol" with Patrick Stewart, gotta be my favorite version.
While I've never been a huge fan of It's A Wonderful Life, it is my mom's favorite movie, so it holds a little bit of a place in my holiday viewing, and if it's on I'll watch it. I watched Rudolph and Frosty last week, and this week I hope to watch Emmitt Otter's Jug Band Christmas as well as Berke Breathed's A Wish For Wings That Work, as long as time will permit me to!
Great column by KC.
There were no places to get comics in my neighborhood growing up, but there was a little variety store that in the back that sold paperbacks and comics without their covers. It was the best I could do when I was young, and I was just into reading, not collecting so it was ok.
I saw IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE for the first time start to finish last year. And that was just out of sheer boredom. Suzanne and her sister were cooking late into the night on Christmas Eve and I was just killing time until we could go to the hotel. It was better than I thought it would be but I still think it's a tad overrated. But, Leaf, to not like Jimmy Stewart...dang. You think you know somebody...
We've been watching a few of the Rankin and Bass claymation classics and I finally got to see RUDOLPH'S SHINY NEW YEAR again after all these years. I was quoting the characters before they said their lines and Suze looked at me and yelled, "Freak!" But, really, we haven't been home enough to watch many holiday movies.
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