"so round and round and round we go,
through seventeen lights in a row,
take a hold of my hand and come with me,
we'll be rockin' around in NYC!"
--marshall crenshaw
well, we're off!
hope to see each and every one of you who are in the area and planning to stop by the NEW YORK COMIC CON!!
i'm super excited--haven't actually hung with craig in a few months now--and am eager to see so many other friends as well! it promises to be a thrilling weekend!
haven't totally packed yet, so i'm gonna hafta cut this short...
got home from play rehearsal a little early last night and sharon and i were able to catch lost (letting the dvr get a little a head of us so that we could skip the commercials). man, i'm in love with this show--and it's characters--all over again!
i am trying to sketch and paint more and had made a deal with myself that i would do so while sharon was watching her the bachelor, a show i have absolutely no interest in. plus i hate reality shows. so she watches, all absorbed, while i draw and she puts up with my sarcastic comments and groans at the manufactured tears and emotional manipulation. but last night i was too tired to paint and...
...i really think it's gonna be molly. i mean, you can just see it when they kiss. i know a lot of people think it's jillian, but i think she's just a friend. and melissa's way cute, but i just don't feel that chemistry, y'know? and did you see the previews of next week...?!?!
some cold, cold weather here--this isn't a picture i took, but one from offa yahoo--but we're getting a lot of this bitter below freezing temps at night and, as you've seen in previous blogs, this could be here...!

i just thought it was a neat picture.
and here the
answers to the
"twofer tuesday!"
1. what asian country was previously known as siam?
2. what is the name for the small (mythical?) leprechaun-like inhabitants of the hawaiian islands?
(pronounced meh-neh-HOO-neh)
3. who sang backing vocals on dire straits' "money for nothing?"
sting of the police
4. who sang backing vocals on rockwell's "somebody's watching me?"
michael jackson
5. who sang backing vocals on r.e.m.'s "shiny happy people?
kate pearson of the b-52s
while i'm away, jake will be watching you...

and we're off!
have a great weekend
and hope to see ya at
smell ya later!
Have fun in NYC, Todd. Your Richmond contingent will be with you in spirit.
That snow/ice picture is sick and I mean that in a good way.
Bill and I will "take the morning train" and will be "rock'n around in NYC" by 11:00 a.m.
See you at the show,
Have a blast in NYC Todd! If the timing of the show was better for me, I'd be down there.
If next week is the episode that the old Bachelorette comes back my wife will be very excited. She's been watigin all season for that. I can usually count on the Bachelor/Bachelorette timeslot as uninterupted PSP time.
Have a great time Todd, Can't wait to hear about your adventures on your blog. be good!
Jason & Candy
Weird to hear someone refer to NYC as "down there". :)
I hope everybody has a great time at the convention. Wish I could make it but my job has other plans for me.
Jake is making me nervous...
Have fun in NYC! My son will be there this year with his wife. Wish I could come, but...
Looking forward to seeing you in NY! My son is very excited about coming along with me... it should be a fun day! I'm very excited!! I have wanted to go to one of these for so long and now I am going!! to NYC babeeeee!!!
Alright Todd, it's 10:35, where's our post con Perhapa-update?
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