well, today's the day, the book looks great, and i can't wait for you to see it...!
not only because it's all about molly, our favorite spectral member of our little perhapanaut family, but because i am so thrilled for you all to see what a fantastic job both scott and jason did with this tale! having been writing comics for a good long time now, i can tell you how wonderful it feels when a writer and an artist are on the same page, how magical it truly is when the result of their hard (and passionate) work comes together as something far greater than what each of them put into it.
i think this is one of those times.

it comes out today.
i hope you'll pick it up...to find out more about molly...and more about scott and jason too!
check out more of scott's stuff at;

and jason's at;


whatcha watchin'?
as i've said in the recent past, i've been trying to cut down on tv lately, trying to make more time to read and especially to write. it's kinda working--although i have now loaded up my plate with co-directing a play...when will i learn? : )
but i am still catching a lot of my favorites--and a few of those difficult-for-me-to-admit-to guilty pleasures...
lost--while last night's episode was a bit flat, i am SOOOO thrilled for this final season! can't wait to see what's in store for our fate-tossed castaways and how all of the various realities play out!
castle--yeah, the cases are cute and contrived, but i love anything that nathan fillion does. the banter is fun without being too much and the funny moments are usually laugh out loud funny.
nbc's thursday night line-up--the office and 30 rock are solid mainstays and each still get me to lol. parks and recreation was very flat last year and i was afraid for amy--i love her and was disappointed that the show just wasn't catching. but sometime over the summer they got it! and it now it really has a voice of it's own and a funny quirky cast that the writers slide into hilarious situations each and every week! the one that i was avoiding last fall--mostly to try to avoid watching yet another new show--was community. i watched the first episode and said, 'enh'. but over the weeks that followed craig raved about it and kept yelling at me to pick it up. i dragged my feet. and then, sometime just after the holidays, nbc ran a marathon of four episodes back to back and we loved them! now in our regular rotation, joel mchale and his gang have definitely earned their place in our thursday night line-up.
grey's anatomy--yeah, sharon got me watching this a few years back and i have to say that if i don't make my weekly trip to seattle grace hospital i miss it. like all long-running shows, there have been some uneven moments here and there, but kudos to the writing staff this year for bringing the show back to it's former glory. great character stories and some thrilling (if not sensational) medical cases.
fringe--though it seems that fox is going out of its scheduling way to kill this darkly intriguing show--shuffling it all out of time and place during football season and not listing it for us tivo and dvr subscribers--i just can't get enough! please fox, put it somewhere and leave it--and maybe take a page from the cable stations and run a rerun/replay a little later in the week...?
waiting for V to come back and not-so-much flashforward. during the hiatus i realized that i don't really like the characters and i just don't care about what any of them are doing. oh well...
for acerbic fun i try to check out the soup (the only show on e! that shouldn't be flushed down the toilet...) and tosh.0 which is at times hilarious and other times just plain cruel. but funny.
and, okay, here it is, my big guilty pleasure---the bachelor. okay, there, i said it.
yeah i know i've said it before and tried to act like it's just on in the background and that i didn't care. but i do. i do care. and jake is such a nice guy and he really deserves someone sweet--i really hope he picks tenley. i think they'd be happy together. vienna's a spoiled daddy's girl.
read the perhapanauts: molly's story
have a great day!
smell ya later!
this is post no.694.
Thanks Todd, I'm really excited for the issue to come out. And thanks again for letting me and Jason play with your characters. We had a blast.
Looking forward to picking up some new 'Haps today.
As for TV, Castle is quickly becoming one of my favorites based largely on the chemistry of the two leads.
My daughter has me hooked on Castle. And the Soup is the best comedy/tv commentary show out there.
I'm dying to read Molly's Story, but I don't pick up my comics until the weekend. But you know she's one of my favorite comic book characters ever.
I sometimes forget that other people love these characters as much as I do and have expectations... man, I hope you all dig the book.
Thanks to Todd and Craig for the chance to play in their sandbox (again!)!
This issue was fantastic!
Great job by everybody involved-and damn you all for bringing a tear to my eye. =P
As for TV-I kind of fell behind on alot of the shows I was following-mainly the monday night CBS comedies, but I have been keeping up with Supernatural over on the cw and Burn Notice on usa is still a lot of fun to watch. I've been trying to catch up an a massive, and i do mean massive amount of shows and movies on dvd-I'm currently trudging through the 1st season of the original alfred hitchcock presents right now.
Really looking forward to this, guys. Congratulations. I pick mine up tonight (work permitting.)
As for TV, I still love LOST, FRINGE and HOUSE. (Boy, do I love HOUSE.) I've also gotten hooked on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER though it's getting a little frayed around the edges at this point. I've lost touch with BURN NOTICE, unfortunately, and will have to resort to DVDs to catch up. Also looking forward to the returns of V and FLASHFORWARD. Not sure where all the hate is coming from for that show. I really, really like it.
I finally got my copy of Molly's Story. Wow. Just... wow.
Just read Molly's story .. ((sniff))((sniff)) .. loved it! Can't wait to go back and read it again - I always tend to devour it and then give it a day or two and go back and read it slowly and take more in. Wonderful job done by all!! Thank you for another great issue!!
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