about two years ago, i met up with writer/director/bigfoot documentarian sean whitely on myspace and, since i know a little bit about the subject and have a close personal friendship with the big guy (see above), sean offered me a chance to pre-view his film with the hopes that maybe i'd write a blurb for the dvd cover (ha! thought i. what a maroon! like anyone would care what i thought of anything...) i tried to tell him that he was making a big mistake, but he was kind enough to send me a copy of the disc anyway.
that was, like, november.
of 2008.
in my defense i'll say that though i, of course, devoured it right away, the screener copy that sean sent me was clean all the way through until the last ten minutes where is suddenly started to stall and digitize and was all corrupted and stuff. so i never got to see the entire thing.
until last week. 'cause sean was nice enough to send me a new clean copy that i eagerly loaded into the player the other night and just got lost in it all over again.
now, having immersed myself in the entire southern fried bigfoot experience. i humbly submit the following...
"While most of us feature the Pacific Northwest as the generally accepted stomping grounds of anything Sasquatch, Sean Whitely and his talented Crew beg to differ and offer, as a complete and compelling argument, this comprehensive journey through the swamps and backwoods south of the Mason-Dixon Line to shed some light on the other American Bigfoot Legends--the ones we've heard far too little about!
"The Filmmakers not only expose these hidden hominids to the light--The Fouke Monster, The Honey Island Swamp Monster, The Florida Skunk Ape, and The Lake Worth Monster--relating tales of sightings and incidents via first-hand eye-witnesses when available, but also delve into the history of each area and the folklore that surrounds these crypto-creatures.
"Southern Fried Bigfoot is the closest any true Bigfoot Researcher is going to get to going on an expedition to track down the elusive giant without actually getting off the couch!"
Todd Dezago--Writer, Sensational Spider-Man, Tellos, The Perhapanauts.
here's the current dvd info...
get a copy. you'll like it.

DVD copies of "Southern Fried Bigfoot," which include the documentary and 45 minutes of Extras, can be purchased via PayPal by clicking on the link above.
Cost is $20.98 ($17.99 per DVD plus $2.99 for 1st Class shipping and handling within the United States; if outside the US, please contact us at info@southernfriedbigfoot.com for international shipping rates).
Additionally, DVD copies can be purchased with a money order or check, but there will be a 10-day hold on all checks. If interested in purchasing a copy with a money order or check, please email us at info@southernfriedbigfoot.com for ordering info.
DVD copies can also be purchased online on Createspace, The Documentary Channel's online store, Amazon.com, The Museum of the Weird, and Bigfoot Surplus.
Pending availability, DVD copies can also be purchased at the following locations:
The Museum of the Weird, 412 E. 6th Street, Austin TX 78701
The Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, 9601 Fossil Ridge Road, Fort Worth TX 76135
Bayou Country, 1101 East Howze Beach Road, Slidell LA 70461
We hope to announce additional distribution venues soon.
so, i'm still neck-deep in alice in wonderland and though i'm having huge fun, it is both time-consuming and exhausting. and (a little frustrating--i'm having a hell of a time with people who jerking me around regarding elements of the set. like, the whole set.) saturday was load-in and i spent the dqy approving costumes (and having fun lunch with the girls...), drawing and coloring props and scenery, delegating various prop constructions, building a hookah, cutting out flamingos, balling yarn, and watching martina create some amazing things with make-up!
it's gonna be fun, but here are a couple of the images i used for inspiration...'cause i got nothing else...

that's it.
i gotta go fight with a guy about a jungle gym.
smell ya later~!
this is post no.714
1 comment:
Sounds like you are crazy busy with the production.
Break a leg, buddy.
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