first off, sorry for the delay in getting this post out; things have become a little hectic here the past couple of weeks, but it looks--finally--like things are getting back on track.
i hope.
speaking of shaking things up, our pal and upcoming perhapanauts back-up artist, eric henson, is also a sergeant in the air force and just recently he and his family have been deployed to a whole 'nother country (i don't think i'm allowed to say where). in transit for about a week, eric 'e'd me that he was getting bored and, with all of his art supplies and drawing tables packed up and hovering somewhere between here and there, out of desperation, he doodled this (awesome) haps piece on some typing paper while waiting in the doctor's office. goes to show--you can't keep a good artist down--!

thanks, eric--very cool!
and speaking of wonderful pieces, i had a fantastic time at the washington comic con the other day! though it was a whirlwind of racing here and racing there with jim (my pal, starlin), we made it into a crazy one day adventure which actually went quite smoothly save for a delay on the ground on our flight back home from dulles. all in all, a fun time!
i forgot to take pictures--or maybe better, i really didn't have time to take pictures--but it was so great to see some old friends (hi, jen and bob, william and charlotte! mindy and john and caleb!), make some new friends (inker tim dzon and artist/writer dan nokes), and pick up a couple of old silver age comics that made the trip home all the more enjoyable!
especially, i got to see my friend john gallagher--buzzboy, roboy red, and a slew of other projects decidedly aimed at the involvement and interaction of kids in comics!--and meet the rest of his charming family! having some super hero squad comics on-hand didn't hurt as far as john's kids went and it was to my great amazement when son jack, 7, came over to gift me with not one, but TWO beautiful sketches of two of his favorite squaddies--thor and captain america! obviously talent runs in the family and if john's smart he'll get jack working on some new buzzboy stories real soon!

and if john's not that smart, it's ';cause he gave all of his brains to 9 year old daughter, katie, with whom i had a delightful conversation regarding the brilliance of jk rowling and how katie loved the harry potter series but was currently very mad at draco malfoy. outraged with how evil he had become at the beginning of book 6, the half-blood prince, katie put the book down in anger at the white haired antagonist and hasn't picked the book(s) up since. she assured me that one day she'd pick it up again, but for now, she was still very mad. i give her full marks for integrity and honor!
and speaking of cool art work from sources very near and dear, here are a couple of masterpieces from my boy, johnny--well, i guess he's really craig's boy, but i can take him anytime i want to--who made these drawings shortly after my visit back in may. you can see, obviously, several of the super hero squad represented, including some of doom's lethal legion--as well as a trio of johnny's own creator-owned characters--the heroic hoola hoop man and two of his super powered adversaries, spy-eye-guy and party skull ( all copyright, of course, johnny rousseau © 2011 )

i think that's all i got--as i said, things are a bit crazy at the moment!
oh--i WILL be at the capital district toy show this sunday, wolf road in albany!!
here's the poster--!

smell ya later~!
Looks like the second generation of comic creators in your wide circle of friends are ready to take the comic world by storm.
Just wanted to interrupt our regularly scheduled blog post to remind all Perhapafans that tomorrow, June 23rd,is the most haunted day of the year (according to Loren Coleman). Run out and experience something epic and paranormal!
i had never heard that.
is there a reason for this?
i'll hafta look into it...
thanks, ernie!
Actually, I screwed up...It's June 24th...It has some pagan significance, UFO flap significance, etc. It's also St. John's Day. I also realized, after reading the newest blog, why I never mentioned it before, 'cause of Mike's birthday...Excellent post. Miss 'im.
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