as you may have guessed by now, we're taking a few weeks off between stories over on our Tales From The Perhaps page so that we can dots the 'T's and cross the 'I's (and finish lettering and coloring, etc...) on our upcoming installments. we have several really cool stories in the works and should have another great tale up starting next week! stay tuned to this blog for further notice!!!
and, as always, if YOU'RE interested in doing a tales from the perhaps story of your own--if you're a write with a story or an artist eager to draw one--please don't hesitate to get one going! or let me know so that i can put the two of you together! we'd love to see what you do!
i'm not one for excuses and hope that this doesn't sound like one. i apologize for the erratic schedule i've been keeping here on the blog, but i have had a handful of distractions in my life lately that seem to have changed my morning routine and made getting the blog out on it's usual mon-wed-fri schedule a challenge. things appear to be settling down now, but thank you for your patience and understanding.
the subject of this post says "the good and the sad..." which i got a little of both. but i'm the type that likes to get the sad (or the bad) over with first and try to focus on the good here we go...
one of the sad things that happened around here is that, a few weeks ago, we had to have sharon's wonderful little cat, kayla, put to sleep. back in late may, during her regularly scheduled check-up, kayla's doctor found a small lump on kayla's left shoulder. a biopsy showed that it was malignant and over the course of the summer we watched the lump grow, desperately chasing after every and any possibility that might prolong her life. but, sadly, the time came, after the cancer started to take hold, that we had to say goodbye.
kayla had been my erstwhile companion here at the house on these quiet days, had let me into her life when sharon and she moved in several years ago, and had comforted me when we lost jake. matt and suzanne will tell you that she made me a caat person and somewhere mike is laughing his ass off about that.
to say that i miss her terribly is only half of what sharon is feeling.
sleep well, our sweet little girl.
okay, onto the good...
as stated before, craig and i will be attending the NEW YORK COMIC CON in some capacity or other. we won't have a table, but we will be wandering around, so if you see us, say hi!! : )
craig has a panel or two with the marvel press/disney people that he's been doing some work for, so that oughta be exciting! i don't know when it is--check your programs!
last week happened to be my birthday (and thank you to all of you who sent birthday wishes on my facebook page...) and i got so beaucoup cool gifts--matt hooked me up with some killer horror movies (trick or treat and an awesome hammer horror collection!!) to get me in the halloween spirit (thanks, bro~!). i also got a nice tellos birthday pin-up by my pal (and partner on the new tellos motion comic we're working on) leonel castellani, that i couldn't wait to share with ya'll!

and here are a couple of cool pictures i had hanging around on my desk top...

i can't make this work...


the stain of admiral akbar

sorry for the cursing...
...but that's kinda funny.
that's it for me.
have a great weekend! smell ya later!
That owl might be the best art lesson ever.
That last one is awesome! How to draw an owl, indeed! hahahahaha
So sorry about Kayla. Suze and I were lucky enough to get the chance to meet her. She was SO SWEET!
Sorry to hear about Kayla..
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