are ya gettin' into the holiday spirit?
i am.
with the fair weather we've been experiencing here in the northeast this winter, our extended autumn made it very easy for the holidays to sneak up on us. i've been caught off guard and am now going into full-on shopping mode, frantic to get out and get the right gift for the right person, while trying to dodge all of the commercialistic aspects of it. a tough job any year, but this year it seems more about the economy than about the actual season of joy and love.
add to that a our house since losing sharon's cat, kayla, back in september. we're just not feeling christmas this year and trying not to miss her too much...
so, i'm going to try to lift my--and YOUR--spirits with some fun christmas junk here on the blog!
let's get each other into the spirit and post some fun, funny, or warm and touching pictures and photos and letters and what-have-you! didja get a funny christmas card that you can share with us? a funny holiday email to pass along? do you have some old family photos from your own christmases past? anything...?
to kick things off, here are a couple of my favorite christmas covers--both instant classics and ones that warm my heart!

whadda you got?
send anything you'd like to sharer to me at or
let's make the season bright!
smell ya later!
Yes, the warm weather has allowed the season to sneak up many people. I just heard on the news that a third of people haven't even started shopping yet.
We have are work party tomorrow, so I'm hoping that will help the holiday spirit to kick in.
...and the warm weather here in the northeast continues...45 today. I don't remember the last time it was this warm in December.
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