so as craig, rico, and i continue to pound away at issue 4--and our deadlines--we've been getting some great e-mail from some great readers who have deemed issue 3 of PERHAPANAUTS:SECOND CHANCES the BEST ISSUE SO FAR!! and it's come from readers that we haven't ever heard from before (which makes me think that there might be more people out there reading this than we know...hmmm...)
so thanks to those of you who've written and thanks to those who've read and hopefully issue 4 will be as much fun as 3.
(it has been for US i can tell you...)

nothing else really to report. while it seems that we're gathering more and more readers to the fold with the momentum of this series and sales of the first trade, we're still not guaranteed a thrid run by dark horse. as i've said here time and again, in this current market, it's touch for a company to greenlight a series that is still such a small blip on the radar. hopefully, word of mouth and an appearance at the new york city con next month will get some more people looking at the perhapanauts and we'll be able to take our crew even farther into the unknown.
so keep that word of mouth going!

as you can see i've scattered a few "random pictures" around today--mostly 'cause they've piled up while we've all been enjoying alison's carribean tale! (thanks again, alison!) and just below are your "five for friday". so have fun, gang!

have a great weekend!
and read more perhapanauts!
smell ya later!
1. what lollypop-sucking 70's tv detective was, in real life, the godfather to a member of the cast of 'friends'? (know 'em both)
2. urban legend time; what child star supposedly died when he mixed pop rocks with coke?
3. what television star holds the record for playing the same character the longest?
4. in 1996's "a very brady sequel", who was revealed to be carol's first husband?
5. how many campers did jason voorhees kill in the first "friday the 13th"?
On the bright side, Darkhorse also hasn't said no to a third mini yet. NYC will be a great opportunity to pump the book as you will have the first TPB and all the issues of the second mini so anyone who is interested can pick-up the complete tale to date.
As for the trivia challenge:
1. Telly Savalas and Jennifer Aniston.
2. Webster. (Wild Guess)
3. Kelsey Grammer as Frasier Crane. (I still think the episode where Patrick Stewart guest starred as the gay conductor who thought Frasier was gay - understandable mistake - is one of the single best sitcom episodes ever. It was THE payoff for a long running joke about his character.
4. No idea.
5. No idea, but my cousin's husband, Barry Abrams was the cinematographer for the movie.
Fun trivia time....
1) Telly Savalas and Jennifer Aniston
2) Mikey. As in "Mikey Likes It" from Life Cereal commercials
3) Either Kelsey Grammer for Frasier or Matt Dylan (I think this is his wrong name) for Gunsmoke.
4) ---
5) No one. His mom did all the killing in the first one.
1. what lollypop-sucking 70's tv detective was, in real life, the godfather to a member of the cast of 'friends'? Telly "Kojak" Savalas & Jennifer Aniston
2. urban legend time; what child star supposedly died when he mixed pop rocks with coke? Gary Coleman
3. what television star holds the record for playing the same character the longest? Carol "Big Bird" Spinney?
4. in 1996's "a very brady sequel", who was revealed to be carol's first husband? No clue
5. how many campers did jason voorhees kill in the first "friday the 13th"? 13?
First, some answers:
1. Kojak and ?
2. Mikey
3. Andy Rooney... (Yes, I'll be here all week!)
4. Gilligan
5. none, that was his mom.
Second, as for the Perhapanauts marketing campaign, I think I remember reading something about Brian and a sandwich board outside of the Javits Center next month...
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