well, i've sent you all over to brokenfrontier to see the "Inside Look" i wrote up on this issue, but i forgot to mention that the idea behind the "Inside Look" feature is for the writer to SPOIL the whole issue. it's s'posed to be a deconstruction of the story--and i don't know if i was too successful with that...i didn't get WAY into the character's deeper motivations and issues, i thought that would be too boring. especially for anyone who hasn't read the book. anyway, here's the spoiler SPOILER--don't read that article until AFTER you've read the issue!
i'll say that again...
don't read that "Inside Look" at www.brokentfrontier.com until AFTER you've read the issue!
that said, Second Chances #3 is out.
go get one.
over at myspace they have a feature where you can post a bulletin to alert all of your "friends" to what-all is going on in your neighborhood. here's what i posted on myspace;

PERHAPANAUTS:Second Chances #3! featuring the DOVER DEMON! (that's him right there...) ON SALE NOW!
REAL Monsters in a REAL Comic Book!
On April 22, 1977, several teenagers in various locations in the small town of Dover, Massachusetts, reported seeing a strange and eerie creature walking by the side of the road in the middle of the night. After a lengthy investigation which concluded that this was neither a hoax or a collaboration, famed Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman dubbed the creature The DOVER DEMON.
For more information on the Dover Demon...well, I guess you could Google it. There's lotsa good stuff there...
But if you want to know what REALLY happened, and how it will affect us all now, nearly thirty years later, than be sure to pick up your copy of PERHAPANAUTS:Second Chances #3! You don't have to have read the first two of the series--it's all pretty well covered--but it wouldn't hurt our sales if ya did...
Thank you for reading!
I am the Dover Demon and I approve this message.
also, while the last issue of the series isn't even out yet, the trade paperback collection of second chances is solicited in this months previews! what it doesn't say is that the trade features all four issue of second chances, of course, as well as our self-published perhapanauts "not gigantic color special #1", and a fistful of awesome pin-ups by some of our favorite guys; ted mckeever, david petersen, sean "cheeks" galloway, jonboy meyers, mike manley, derek fridolfs, and probably, hopefully, maybe another super-superstar/legend if he can find the time in his busy schedule! i'm not naming names, but craig and i are on the edge of our seats hoping that this can happen! hopefully the orders on this will be up high enough for dark horse to let us do a third series, so...give the gift of reading. that's all i hafta say...
and now enough of that sales stuff. here are our two new features, piling up here at the end of the week for one reason or another. first,
our "random picture of the week"
dog in a dishwasher

or maybe it's dog IS the dishwasher
and now, your "five on friday"
1. sidekicks; can you name quick draw mcgraw's sidekick? yogi bear's sidekick? johnny quest's sidekick?
2. on the '60's batman tv series, there were three different catwomans and two different riddlers. who were they?
3. what is the one sound known to man that does not echo?
4. what is jenny's phone number?
5. there are 13 beatles songs with girl's names in the title. name 5.
that's all. post your answers in the comments section or send 'em to me at
have a great weekend!
we have a special fan perhapanauts story on monday!
and it's awesome!
smell ya later!
First the important stuff. Craig clued me into the mystery artist and honestly guys, I appreciate it, but I think you'd stand a better chance of getting him to do a pin-up for you if you didn't insist he draw Officer Mulcahy. (P.S. He's at the top of my NYC hit list, so hopefully he's sketching in February)
Now for the quiz.
1). Quick Draw and ?; Yogi and Boo Boo, Jonny Quest and Hadji.
2). Catwoman - Lee Meriwether, Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar
Riddler - Frank Gorshen and ?
3). The sound of one hand clapping grasshopper.
4). Jennie, I've got that number, 867-5309. (And thanks a lot pal for putting that song back in my head.)
5). Michelle, Elinor Rigby, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, The Ballad of John and Yoko and Lovely Rita Meter Maid.
here's the ones i can think of off the top of my head that brian didn't answer...
2. john ("gomez addams") astin
5. heck, there's four on the beatles (white album) alone...
dear prudence, martha my dear, sexy sadie, julia...
and let's go for polythene pam from abbey road.
and i assume you meant just the studio stuff, not the 3 anthologies from a few years ago with a whole buncha covers and outtakes...
and here's hoping we can get that "molly and officer mulcahy" mini off the ground!
Now that's what I'm talking about.
I like the cut of your jib Craig,
Didn't Craig used to have a blog, too...?
Nay, all the cool kids are over on comicspace.
Wait, huh, what.
1. sidekicks; can you name quick draw mcgraw's sidekick? Pistol Pete?
yogi bear's sidekick? Boo Boo
johnny quest's sidekick? Hadji, Bandit, Jessie Bannon (on the more recent series)
2. on the '60's batman tv series, there were three different catwomans (Julie Newmar, Lee Merriwether & Ertha Kitt) and two different riddlers (Frank Gorshin & John Astin). who were they?
3. what is the one sound known to man that does not echo? A duck's quack
4. what is jenny's phone number? 867-5309
5. there are 13 beatles songs with girl's names in the title. name 5.
Lucy in the Sky w/ Diamonds
Hey Jude
Elanor Rigby
John's Wife Yoko is a Stupid B!tch?
......yeah, I'm one the three on earth who can't stand the beatles so I don't know
here then are the answers to our first "five on friday"--
1. sidekicks; can you name quick draw mcgraw's sidekick? yogi bear's sidekick? johnny quest's sidekick?
a. babalooie, a little mexican donkey in a yellow sombrero
b. boo boo
c. hadji
2. on the '60's batman tv series, there were three different catwomans and two different riddlers.
who were they?
lee merriwether, julie newmar, and eartha kitt
frank gorshen and john astin
3. what is the one sound known to man that does not echo?
a duck's quack
4. what is jenny's phone number?
5. there are 13 beatles songs with girl's names in the title. name 5.
any five of these (see disclaimer at the end)
the ballad of john and yoko
dear prudence
elenor rigby
lady madonna
lovely rita
lucy in the sky with diamonds
maggie may
martha my dear
penny lane
polythene pam
sexy sadie
(i originally had this question at a trivia contest/championship. we were asked to name them all.
an arguement broke out when they disallowed "hey jude" because, although jude could be a girl's name, it is well know that paul wrote the song for young julian lennon, whom he, paul, referred to as jude. someone got mad 'cause "penny lane" is named after a lane and not a girl, but penny is a girl's name. crazy. so count "hey jude" if you want, discount "penny lane" if you need.)
thanks so much, you guys (and gals) for playing and especially brian, scott, kojee, and colin for posting.
oh, and craig too! hi, craig!
more trivia an friday!
5) You wouldn't count "Her Majesty?" ;-)
You know she's a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say...
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