let's get this out of the way...
the answers to the "five on friday", special movie quotes edition--
1. “Now listen to me--I’m telling you, boys and girls--Whichever one of you gets it out of him is going to wind up with the single most important interview since...God talked to Moses.”
Perry White (Jackie Cooper) to Daily Planet Reporters in Superman, the Movie
2. “Great! Spit on the fat kid. Real good.”
Vern (Jerry O’Connell) in Stand By Me
3. “In the heat of battle, my father wove a tapestry of obscenity that, as far as we know, is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan.”

Narrator/Older Ralphie (Jean Shepherd) in A Christmas Story
(Young Ralphie played by Peter Billingsley)
4. “Remember; No matter where you go, there you are.”
Buckaroo Banzai (Peter Weller) in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, Across the 8th Dimension
5. "I'm not going to see you anymore, am I?"
Cole (Haley Joel Osment) to Dr. Crowe (Bruce Willis) in The Sixth Sense
be here friday for another five...
so, i met cheeks on myspace too!
craig and i had been checkin’ out his stuff; his cool covers on dc’s teen titans go! and on his websites -- www.cheeks-74.deviantart.com/gallery/ and www.gotcheeks.blogspot.com --check 'em out! i love it all, but i especially go crazy when i look at his awesome alex toth HERCULOIDS tribute! you GO, sean!
i made contact and told him how much i liked his stuff and he, wonderfully friendly guy that he is, told me that he actually KNEW my stuff. wow. so we got chattin'--i had so much fun with his teen titans go! christmas issue (go see if you can still find it...) and i mentioned the perhapanauts book and the subject of pin-ups came up and he was in!
and on it!
he had this done in a matter of days!

love it!
i really dig chattin' with sean and hope that we can work on something together soon!
you can see some of cheeks' stuff at the above listed sites, especially some of his bastion's 7, his creator-owned project with mark andrew smith!
oh, and i suppose you could also see his stuff at his myspace page at:
thanks again, sean!
talk to ya soon!
I'm going to join you in praising Cheeks work in general and his Big and Choopie in particular. I first heard of him in connection with Hellboy, Animated, for which I believe he did the design work.
He's got some very cool stuff at his blog, etc. and it is well worth checking out.
Love the Cheeks pin-up. I read TTG, so of course I'm a big fan of his work.
Also, got my monthly comic mail order delivery and immediately put Second Chances #3 at the top of the pile. More great stuff! Nice use of the Dover Demon, with great character stuff throughout the issue. Can't wait for next issue and Karl.
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