hope YOU had a good weekend!
racing around like crazy yesterday and today as i realize how close christmas really is! i've actually done pretty well cleaning and shopping and decorating (well...sharon did a lot of the cleaning...), but i haven't even finished my christmas cards yet and there are gifts that need to be mailed off to nick and other far off relatives. gotta get goin'!
my question to you is; how you doon'?
shopping done? in the spirit? what are you doing to make things festive?
as i said in the comments on friday,
i really thought that these quotes were going to be easy.
i guess sometimes we convince ourselves of something and then just go with it.
here are the answers to the
"five for friday"
1. who said the infamous words, "we will bury you."?
russian primier nikita kruschev
2. whose last words were "either this wallpaper goes or i do."?
oscar wilde
3. in 1994, on weekend update, norm macdonald announced that two actors were in "a heated competition in the Academy's controversial new category: Best Retard." who were the actors and for what movies?
tom hanks in "forrest gump" and jody foster in "nell".
4. "imagination is more important than knowledge."
albert einstein
5. "no matter where you go, there you are."
buckaroo banzai
that's it for me!
i gotta go!
smell ya later!
Still have a bit of shopping left, but I know what I want and where it's at, so's I'm not too worried about picking it up later this week. I put up the tree yesterday much to the amazement of Lilah. She kinda had this look that said, "Dad? WTF?" The cats enjoyed sniffing the tree up, even though it's a fake. Probably come home to it on flat on the floor tonight.
Other than that, Angie's doing the cards and may hang a few other bits of holiday decor, but the tree is the main decoration. My family's tradition is to hand ornaments on the tree on Christmas Eve, while we eat, drink and be merry. Don't think Angie's gonna wait that long to start hanging 'em though. Oh well. I'll hold off until the 24th...
Hey, I thought the questions were easy. I only missed the Norm MacDonald one, which in hindsight, I should've gotten.
My Real Grown-Up Christmas List:
Outside Lights Up - Check
Christmas Cards Mailed - Check
Tree up and decorated - Check
Gifts bought and wrapped - One left to buy, two left to wrap.
Spirit draining last minute trip to Mall on a Sunday avoided by running into friends also out shopping - priceless.
I've done almost all of my shopping, but like most new knitters, I opted to knit a lot of gifts. I've completed a suprising lot of them, but it somehow JUST hit me that I only have 3 days left to knit the gifts I'd planned for co-workers.
Less when you consider that I will have to interoffice a few of them.
Oh well, its the thought that counts right!
Oh, man - Christmas already!?! Actually, we just started up Grace Christian Church again, so I've been enjoying the Advent wreath lighting, Christmas songs, and of course keeping Christ in Christmas, but on the home front, um no Christmas spirit, yet. (except Christ, of course) No lights, no tree, no shopping, and a gazillion books in piles all around because I am paring down - you know, too many books, too little time. HOWEVER - the grace of living in PR is that there are 12 - yes count them - 12 days to Christmas - sooooo, that means I have til Jan. 6 to get our act together here. phew!
Just catching up with blog reading and wanted to say that I loved your mom and dad gift stories, Todd. My worst given was an annual one to my grandfather - a carton of cigarettes. Seemed brilliant at the time, now not so much so.
Can't believe I missed NELL, as Suze and I were in Charlotte for the Heroes Con when they were filming it. I'm convinced we made Liam Neeson so uncomfortable at the hotel bar one night by staring at him with mouths hanging open that he got up and left.
My side of the family is taken care of. Suzanne's family is another matter altogether. Plus friends. I've barely shopped at all because we've been so busy with other things. May get the chance this week. Then again, the Leaf Monster (no, not Christian) jumped on my yard again this past weekend so I may have to kick his ass instead.
I haven't bought any gifts. Well except for a Christmas gift I got for a gift exchange. My daughter has a nice list of stuff she wants so I just need to buy it. As for the rest of my family - I guess I'm still thinking over what I'm getting for them. So you are way ahead of me.
I'll take leaves over snow any day of the week.
I picked a night two weeks ago and did all my shopping. Well, all but one gift. There's always one gift that hurts. It's my uncle. No clue what to get him. Probably end up with a gift card, but for where? I don't know. But otherwise, it's all done. And I panicked because I hadn't gotten around to Christmas Cards. So last night during Survivor, i sat there and pumped them out. And I haven't decorated. It's getting too late for that now.
Also, I don't remember seeing you mention it, but did you promote the Westfield Comics autographed Annual yet?
most of my shopping is done, a few little things to pick up... wrapped everything this weekend during downtime at work... adding to the Christmas stuff, we're moving this week... just bought a new house, so that's alittle crazy, but we'll manage...
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