after the startling and bizarre snake-in-the-manifold post of wednesday, i though that i would point out that my friend, heather, is not really about all that kinda gross, macabre stuff but a friend who knew that I would find it fascinating. and i do. that's just a weird story...
and, of course, i do feel sorry for that snake...
in actuality, heather is an incredible animal lover who has dogs and cats and years of horseback riding and training (and winning awards!). she is a former veterinary tech who recently went back to school to become a grade school teacher. the e-mails she usually sends me are more like the one here below that she sent me on the same day as the snake one. i was gonna save this 'til we were a little closer to christmas since it says so much about the world and the wonder that goes on all around us, but, here it is. enjoy!

After the horses moved on, the doe came for her fawn. So all is well in case you were wondering.
in other news; it seems that, with the announcement of The PERHAPANAUTS move to IMAGE and the release of the TELLOS COLOSSAL (not to mention what i am now referring to as "mike's ultimate publicity stunt"...) *, i have been doing a whole pant-load of interviews over the past few months. sad to do the sad ones, but thrilled to be doing the happy, exciting ones (and big thanks to joe keatinge at IMAGE for showing us how publicity is done right!), i offer you this latest interview by miguel rodrigues over at
it is a phone interview, which i usually don't like doing. and this is why. i think miguel did an excellent job with the interview; great questions, miguel! and they were certainly in depth and different from the generally standard questions i tend to get in interviews...but man, shut me up. i don't like telephone interviews because i can't edit myself--there are a lot of "uhhs" and "ummms" and "y'know"s. and man, do i ramble on and on and on...! listening to it, i yelled at myself "holy crap! will you shut up!" anyone who's met me knows that i go off on tangents of tangents on top of tangents. in a written interview i can go over what i said and edit things so that i don't sound like so much of an idiot. jeez! i think this probably coulda run half the time--next time, miguel, you gotta shut me up.
on another note...and another link; my (our) good pal, scott weinstein sent me the following link saying that he knows we've all seen 'em before, but they just never get old. thanks, scott! i love 'em! and while bill watterson was given many awards and praise during calvin and hobbes' wonderful run...just brilliant! gorgeous! genius!
okay, you monkeys--you suffered through alla that. here are your
"five for friday"
1. which godzilla foe looked like a giant turtle?
2. originally, lucky charms featured only four marshmallow shapes; orange stars, pink hearts, yellow moons, and green clovers. in 1979 a fifth shape was added. what was it?
3. what is the name of the publishing company responsible for the amazing modern masters series featuring insights into the lives and careers of comics legends?
4. what time is it?
5. name five of the real people who have appeared in the perhapanauts.
that's it for now!
have a great weekend!
get in the spirit and do something nice for yourself.
smell ya later!
* i suppose, to some, that this might sound a bit crass and unfeeling. but no. if nothing, mike had a phenomenal sense of humor, one that closely mirrored my own, and we believed that there was something to be laughed at in everything. and we would. it was and is mike's sense of humor that actually helps me through the times when i am sad and grieving him the most. when image editor, eric stephenson, told me that the tellos colossal sold out, but that we really couldn't guess what sales would be like on a second printing because mike's death through off the statistics, it was mike's voice i heard in the back of my mind saying, "y'know, unless YOU die too...! come on, toddzilla--it's awesome here!" the "ultimate publicity stunt" reminds me of the bugs and daffy cartoon where they're on stage and trying to outdo each other and daffy ultimately blows himself up. heh. we were a lot like them.
WOW! first one to post this Friday.... unfortunately no tmy best run a the 5FF but here goes...
1. Gamera was the turtle guy in the Godzilla movies...
2. I believe the purple horseshoes were added around that time...
3. ???
4. 11:51 am
5. the only person I recall is Brian (sorry Brian, don't know your lastname) but he has a beard and can usually be found around Todd and/or Craig's table at cons...
Those pics are awesome.
That fawn looks sooo tiny next to the horse.
I have always enjoyed going out to the woods because of all the life you see out there.
Calvin (and Hobbes) has ALWAYS been "1 o' me favs"
I just love Calvin's view of the world!!
1. I can't remember the turtles' name
2. I believe that's when they came up with (in a leprechaun voice) "and new BLUE DIAMONDS"
3. Isn't that Twomorrows ?
4. "It's Howdy Doody time" - "does anybody really know what time it is?"
5. only recognised Todd & Craig (security guards), now I'm gonna have to go back and look for 3 more.
Very cool Todd. I'll have to catch the interview when I get home.
As for the Friday Five.
1. Not a big Godzilla fan, but I'm betting it wasn't Touche Turtle.
2. I don't eat it myself, but I'm betting it wasn't oblongs.
3. Fantagraphics?
4. Since it's December 7th, time to head to a bar and get bombed.
5. Todd Dezago, Craig Rousseau, Sarah Chalke, John C. McGinley and Brian Mulcahy
I thought about it afterwards... I know Craig put himself in an ish of Impulse back in the day.... so stands to reason he'd put himself in an ish of the 'Haps!!
Hey -
Just got back from the Calvin & Hobbes snow art link.
I'd seen several of those before, but particularly enjoyed the one about Snowman Evolution.
Here in South Florida we have to settle for building Mud Men.
See ya !
Listening to the podcast now. Good interview.
Those pictures are adorable.
I only got three of five of the Five for Friday:
4) 1:04PM or as I like to call it Clobberin' Time
1. Godzilla and Gamera were both lead monsters from two different film companies. Anguirus from the second Godzilla film is a spiky dinosaur that looks vaguely like a turtle from certain angles, I guess.
2. blue diamonds?
3. TwoMorrows?
4. Hammer time
5. Brian, Craig, Todd, Rico, and Scott.
1. Gamera
2. Purple Horseshoes
3. TwoMorrows
5. Todd, Craig, Brian Mulcahy, dunno, dunno...
Saw a big ol' 'Nauts web banner over at Newsarama. Looking nice.
1. I wanna say Gamera, but I know that isn't right. (Though he is a big arse turtle.)
2. Purple horseshoes
3. Two Morrows
4. Dodgeball time. (Love me some Sealab 2021)
5. George Foreman, Buster Keaton, Angelo Moore, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Egon Schiele.
Alright some Five-fers that I can answer! haha
1. Gamera is the answer, although there was another monster, who looked a little like a turtle as well, but I think he was supposed to be more like an ankylosaur.
1. which godzilla foe looked like a giant turtle?
2. Purple Horseshoes i think?
3. Two Morrows-god those are some great books!!
4. It's time to get ill! haha
5. Yourself, Craig, Brian, and I'm drawing a blank on the other 2. Gives me another reason to reread them this weekend(you know the one Todd, haha, not that there's NEVER a reason to reread them!!)
Nice pix of the horses and the fawn. Very nice.
I said purple horseshoes, but I believe Blue Diamonds is correct!
"five for friday"
1. which godzilla foe looked like a giant turtle?
2. originally, lucky charms featured only four marshmallow shapes; orange stars, pink hearts, yellow moons, and green clovers. in 1979 a fifth shape was added. what was it?
The purple one, I don't eat them so I don't remember the shape
3. what is the name of the publishing company responsible for the amazing modern masters series featuring insights into the lives and careers of comics legends?
*thinks* urm..... I dunno
4. what time is it?
5. name five of the real people who have appeared in the perhapanauts.
*feels ashamed that I don't know*
You guys took all the "times" I was going to say...crazy!
4. It's time to play a game...
Cool pics with the faun and horses, about the same age as the smallest deer I've ever seen in person in the wild.
1. Gamera
2. Purple horseshoes?
3. This answer intentionally left blank.
4. Time for our vacation.
5. Craig, Todd and I think Mike, but don't know the others.
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