as my very good friend, walt, mentioned in the comments section the other day, we--meaning THE PERHAPANAUTS--are featured on the back cover of this month's westfield catalog, along with the chance to get a copy of the upcoming PERHAPANAUTS ANNUAL #1 signed by the very guys whose names appear in the title!! woo hoo! plus, westfield's got a special double cover deal on the book to guarantee that you get both the lovely craig rousseau cover as well as the cool, awesome mike allred cover!--so check it!
go to
for more on that little dealio!

gotta go wrap sharon's stuff before she gets home...
smell ya later!
Todd -
Love the trooper story.
I'm heading over to Westfield comics right now!
You had me there, I was expecting a tale of the unknown when I started that article, not a good laugh.
So, what did you get Sharon? Don't worry, I won't tell.
; )
Love that story. I'm sharing that with some friends. Have to admit, I was expecting a Bigfoot sighting in there somewhere.
Hahaha! That Trooper story is the mad notes.
Guess I'll head over to Westfield and get myself an early X-Mas present.
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