so the past week or so, i've been jamming on rehearsals for this play and focusing all my attention on making sure that all the bases are covered (re; sets, lights, props, costumes, publicity...) i'm not doing ALL the work, but i do have to approve all the work (and make sure that it gets done in the first place). anyway, of course, this is the week my computer decides to try out a few new moves and somehow block me from some of my most important programs.
is mercury in retrograde?
and if so, when will it be out...?
in truth, i'm thrilled with how this play has turned out and amazed at some of the work that these young actors have put into it. i really wasn't sure that i had anything to offer when they asked me to do this, but...huh, i guess i do/did.
anyway, it goes up this thursday, friday, and saturday at 8 pm--sunday matinee at 2--in the james and betty hall theater at dutchess community college in the beautiful poughkeepsie, new york. if you're in the area, come. if you come because you saw it here, come and see me after the show, 'cause that'd be freaky.
i haven't been able to watch much tv during these past two months, but have been listening to a lot of coast to coast a.m. on the long drives to and from rehearsals. for those that might not remember, i'm a devoted fan of this long-running, late night talk show that covers all manner of odd phenomena, myths and legends, and conspiracy theories. originally created by radio personality, art bell, the show is now hosted by george noory--with george knapp and ian punnett on weekends--and supplies enough food-for-thought in just one evening's offerings to keep you pondering for days. guests from all walks of life are featured and topics range from ufo wars being fought on the edges of our galaxy to ghosts on catalina island to a chupacabra in wisconsin to the current financial crisis (although i must say that with the economy the way it is, there have been a few too many illuminati agenda/doomsday-spouting shows for my tastes. they're even making me paranoid...)
i subscribe to the shows via through their streamlink. i can download an entire show, load it onto my ipod and listen to it in the car. and you can listen to past shows as a subscriber as well. if you're looking for some great radio--and some great discussions on the paranormal and the unexplained--check it out! i love it!

and now the
answers to the
"three for thursday"
classic film!
1. what slope-nosed actor/comedian's theme song was called "thanks for the memories"?
bob hope
2. in rocky, rocky takes adrian back to his apartment and introduces him to his turtles. what were their names?
cuff and link
3. in the 1945 billy wilder film, "the lost weekend" starring ray milland, why was the weekend lost?
it was a study of a chronic alcoholic. the weekend is lost in a drunken haze.
4. who was originally cast as the tim man in the "wizard of oz" but had to drop out due to a skin allergy to the silver make-up?
buddy ebsen, star of barnaby jones and the beverly hillbillies.
all of us, at some time or another, incorporate lines and phrases from favorite movies and tv into our own personal lexicons, making them such a part of our everyday conversations that sometimes we even forget where they came from. i've been doing this for all of my life. see if you can match the following to the movies they came from...
a. "mother pus bucket!"
bill murray/ghostbusters
b. "left turn, clyde."
clint eastwood/every which way but loose
c. "inconceivable!"
wallace shawn/the princess bride
d. "say 'what' one more time!"
samuel l. jackson/pulp fiction
e. "it's hot. like africa hot."
matthew broderick/biloxi blues
gotta run!
smell ya later!
Good Luck with the show Todd. I'm sure it's going to be great.
Because I've got this crappy New England Weather on my mind, I totally read your title as Ready for the Snow.
Good luck man!
Wish I could be there for the show Todd.
Best of luck! I'm sure it'll be memorable. Those kids are sure to knock em dead under your watch.
Also, make sure you treat yourself to some serious R&R when this thing's over. Just the fact that you used the word "beautiful" to describe Poughkeepsie is a clear indicator that you're beginning to lose your senses.
Choopie rules!!!
hm. informative style.
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