somewhere, a little ways down this page...
you'll find the latest what's perhappenin'? from our pal, russ burlingame!
russ had a lot of questions after he went through the entire perhapanauts: triangle trade and hit me with a bunch of them while we sat out on the champs elysee sipping paul newman iced teas...
(you'll notice he really got nothing out of me...)
i hope that you all had a happy FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!
i had an excellent time at EXCELLENT ADVENTURE up in ballston spa with john and matt belskis! what a great store and what a great turn-out!
though we didn't get a chance to chat all day long--he had quite a few fans and admirers lined up to talk and get autographs--i was seated next to awesome artist, matt smith! (well, i call him matt smith--he needs to be matthew dow smith now 'cause there's just too many just matt smith's out there and, apparently, they were getting his paychecks) you know matt's work from books like stormwatch, the keep, the nightcrawler mini-series and the upcoming mirror's edge from idw. anyway, it was great to see matt and catch up a bit--we've known each other for years--and you can see a lot more of his stuff over at

it was nice to get a chance to talk to so many comic book readers from the area, but i was especially touched that two of my really good friends came out to hang for a bit; thanks for taking the time out of your day, veroncia--it was wonderful to see you and devon! and my comic book soul-mate, bill (who we call walt...), i miss you , man! great to see ya!
an aside from the great day in the store, it was just as nice getting a chance to have dinner and hang out with john. though the pub we went to was a little loud on account of the kentucky derby, both the food and the conversation was great! thanks for the great stories, john!
loved the store! loved the people and the conversations! loved the town of ballston spa!
it truly was an EXCELLENT ADVENTURE!
thanks, john and matt!
an avid fan of the late night radio show coast to coast a.m. with george noory, i'm usually fascinated--in one way or another--by george's exciting and diverse line-up of guests throughout the week. one recurring guest is paranormal investigator joshua p. warren, a researcher who sounds--to me, anyway--to be both sincere and well-grounded in his presentations.
he's been on coast to coast recently with reports of a story out of mexico of a creature discovered--and ultimately killed--by a rancher back in the spring of 2007. i won't go into any more of the story as i really want you to check it out for yourselves over at
there's a picture there, along with the story, that leaves me not knowing what to think...
what do you think...?
answers to the
"five for friday"
i'll name some names,
you tell me the group...
(these are hard...)
1. linus, danny, rusty, basher
ocean's 11
2. tarra, gleep, igoo, zok
3. gargoyle, valkyrie, angel
the defenders
4. cowmumble, grumble, gargle, boss moss
the freakies
(check out this crazy drug-trip of a commercial)
5. mike, vyv, rick, neil
the young ones
happy monday!
smell ya later!
About the creature,the case was shown last year on Jaime Maussan's TV show.Here's the video:
The audio is in Spanish,but as you can see,they show the creature in a mummified state.
Months later,the case was proven an hoax and the creature was identified as a rat.
Glad you had a great time at FCBD.
Thanks for the link to Matt's site. Wasn't familiar with him before, but I dig his style and agree with you 100% on the choice of October Girl (the gal in the tree) for your post as that is my favorite image from his gallery.
thanks, everyueveryme!
personally, i wasn't sold on this whole scenario. growing up in a small town where hunting/fishing/trapping were very much what you did, i've seen my share of both traps and skinned animals and this just looked too not real.
thanks for the 411!
It might have been a hoax, but -- as with the Georgia boys who had a dead Bigfoot in their freezer -- every time you hear or see a story like this, a part of you *wants* to believe it's real, just to prove that life isn't as mundane as we think it is.
I mean, if the last thing I saw was a Plesiosaurus coming up out of the water to eat me, at least my dying words would be, "Wow."
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