so i took a couple days off.
(thanks, matt, brian, and mike for checking up on me.)
thing is, recently i've felt that i've been a bit off my game with the blog. i dunno whether it started back in february when i went to the tuesday/thursday schedule so that i could focus more on the play or maybe even earlier than that, but i felt that the blog was getting a bit stale. i was trying to post about things that i'd hoped would spark some interest, curiosity, and maybe even a little conversation, but i just wasn't hitting it. i was wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do.
and i was also wondering if maybe it was time to retire the "five for friday" trivia as either i'd been making them TOO trivial or people had just lost interest.
then craig said, "maybe you just need to take a break--step back--take a breath."
so i did, and hopefully, i'm coming back fresh. today's blog is actually more of the same and not really anything new, but we'll hit this from a different angle come monday.
sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience.
we watched the season finales of both lost and grey's anatomy last night and i will admit that i got teary eyed once during each show--and was actually floored once during grey's. i won't spoil it,
haven't gotten to see star trek yet and am dying to.
just saw the preview for half-blood prince last night and can't wait!
up! looks wonderful and roger sent me the trailer for disney's upcoming the princess and the frog which looks like good ol' disney fantastic!!
and taking a very hard right turn; wasn't too interested about drag me to hell--but that preview does look creepy...
sometime last fall i think it was, matt sent me a batch of those wacky, sarcastic, sardonic faux motivational posters and this one has long been one of my favorites, appealing to me for both the bizarre and potentially cryptid aspects and for the blatant proclamation of "WTF?!?"

my friend, dani, sent me another batch of photos designated "WTF!?!"--this time much more bizarre and without the clever motivational borders--and here are a few that just took us by surprise...

i laughed out loud at that first one--the look on that little kid's face--it's wrong in so many ways...
the second one; dani had to tell me that that's a horse down there. but why? wtf???
the others are just...
"five for friday"
we've done this before...
take the following numbers and letters and figure out the phrase or statement that it refers to
example; 52 w in a y = 52 weeks in a year
1. 50 w t l y l
2. 10 h d in a p/8 h d r in a p
3. 44 u.s. p to d
4. 99 l b
5. 4 s in a d of c
6. 9 p in our s s
7. 66 b in the b (k j v)
8. 99 b of b o t w
9. 1440 m in a d
10. 3 l t g t t t r c o a t p
(this one is tough--but sweet...)
have a great weekend!
smell ya later!
thanks for the post todd!!
i'm still working on the trivia, i like these but they're hard LOL
love the pix those are VERY disturbing indeed, especially the superman!
and because i promised i'll send ya a guest post over the weekend for you to use whenever.
Missed you my friend.
Craig raved about the service at the the Dezago B & B and recommended I make my reservation early, but I cannot seem to find the number on the site. ;-)
So far, only 5 of 10, but still working on it.
1. 50 ways to leave your lover
4. 99 luftballons
5. 4 suits in a deck of cards
8. 99 bottles of beer on the wall
9. 1440 minutes in a day.
Welcome back!
Both Up! and Princess and the Frog look great. I read about the opening few minutes of Up! and it sounds relaly touching. On par with the beginning of Wall-E!
3 is 44 United States Presidents to Date,
This one contains its own interesting bit of trivia. While President Obama is the 44th President, there have been only 43 people who held the office.
Grover Cleveland's two terms were not consecutive, so he was both the 22nd and the 24th President.
10. An wise Owl told me that it takes "3 licks to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootise pop."
Good to have you back Todd! was getting worried about you!!
those pics are... whoo!! some are a bit disturbing!! (especially that Superman!!)
togh 5FFF, but I think I got 7 out of 10...
1. 50 w t l y l
50 Ways to lost your lover
2. 10 h d in a p / 8 h d r in a p
3. 44 U.S. p to d
44 U.S. Presidents to date
4. 99 l b
99 Luft Ballons
5. 4 s in a d of c
4 suits in a deck of cards
6. 9 p in our s s
7. 66 b in the b (kjv)
66 books in the bible (King James Version)
8. 99 b of b o t w
99 bottles of beer on the wall
9. 1440 m in a d
1440 minutes in a day
10. 3 l t g t t t r c o a t p
Todd, even if I don't answer the questions, I'm still reading... I missed your updates all week, but totally understand the need for a break... let's take a shot at this...
1. 50 white tailed lamas yelling loudly
2. 10 hot dogs in apple pie/8 hot dogs rotten in apple pie
3. 44 u.s. presidents to date
4. 99 luft balloons
5. 4 sugars in a drop of coke
6. 9 poltergeists in our sanctum sanctorum
7. 66 beers in the back (kick jenny's vagina)... Geez Todd, that's not nice at all!
8. 99 bats of brownville out to win
9. 1440 minutes in a day
10. 3 lamas tried getting to the top rope contemplated outrageous attack this pastweek :-)
I love your blog! I just haven't been posting comments. Sorry. I understand how no responses can make you feel like people have lost interest. I haven't. I check it a few times every week. :)
1. 50 ways to love your liver.
2. 10 happy dogs in a Porsche / 8 happy dogs ride in a Porsche.
3 44 U.S. pennies to a dollar (inflation)
4. 99 looks beautiful (Agent 99, that is.)
5. 4 Supermen in a Detective of Comics.
6. 9 people in our sorry society.
7. 66 books in the Bible (King James Version) (all right, I decided to be respectful and not make up something potentially insulting to someone. :) )
8. 99 barrels of bacon on the way!
9. 1440 milkshakes in a dairy!
10. (Not gonna mess with this one because I can't decipher it, and you say it's sweet. :)
2. 10 hot dogs in a pack/8 hot dog rolls in a pack.
Now that deserves a WTF!
LOl - Warren's answers just make me chuckle..
Welcome back!!! Sorry, I haven't been posting but I stop by all the time and just do the silent stalker bit. I'll start adding my 2 cents more.. :-)
oh and I want one of those dolls!! Will it grow back after I shave it? Can I use NEAT on it?
OH!! Almost forgot. I saw Star Trek last night and it was absolutely amazing!! What a great movie - there are so many little things to pick up on if you were an avid original Star Trek fan (as I was) - I won't spoil anything - go see it !! guickly!! drop what you're doing and go now!! I can't wait to see it again..
well, okay--thanks for your answers and comments and, yes, it's great to know that you're all still out there! i AM gonna try to figure out ways to make this a little more interactive, but it's nice that you all chimed in. thank you!
and, while warren's and rich's (johnnyraygun) answers were hilarious, you guys, as a team, got 'em all!! (well, except for 6 which i thought was one of the easier ones...)
nice job! and brian, i didn't think ANYBODY was gonna get 10! nice work!
see y'all monday.
and thanks again!
I wouldn't have gotten No. 10 without the hint.
Hi I'd love to thank you for such a terrific made forum!
Was thinking this would be a perfect way to make my first post!
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