i'm back!
had a wonderful, WONDERFUL time at scott and abby's wedding and it was really great to see scott's friends that i did know--hey, chris and jose!!--meet a lot of both scott and abby's friends that i didn't know--jen and dave and chris' wife, julie...and, it seems, just about every girl abby went to college with! (that list would fill several pages!) (plus, apparently, they all sing!)
here's the terrific piece that scott's cohort and after school agent collaborator, chris zaccone, did for the happy couple which was used as guest table cards at the wedding! awesome job, chris!

the drive to bar harbor was a long one--mapquest predicted just under 8 hours (but then, they have to calculate your time going per posted speed limits and, well, we weren't doing that...) but it was a gorgeous ride through new england and up the coast and sharon and i were also entertained listening to the passage by justin cronin and read by ed hermann. it's great! VAMPIRES! but we haven't finished it yet, so don't tell me how it ends...
sharon is a lobster addict, even here in upstate ny, so it seems that we had some kinda lobster something for just about every meal while we were there. which was good! the wedding was beautiful, out on the patio of the bar harbor regency, and the evening was perfect for the happy couple.
sunday, sharon and i got up early to go out on a whale watch/puffin tour that was really spectacular! we saw several humpbacks, a fin whale or two, many, many atlantic white-sided dolphins and a harbor seal that shay spotted long before anyone else did! and lots and lots of sea birds; terns, gannets, and, of course, the puffins.
we also saw lots of seasick people--folks, if you're going on one of these things, don't forget the dramamine!
the only drawback was that bar harbor is such a spectacular town surrounded by such gorgeous landscapes and sea life that the president and his family decided to take a vacation there this weekend as well--and stayed at the same hotel that we were at and scott and abby had their ceremony. so there was security EVERYWHERE! for me though, it was less of a hassle and more exciting/interesting to see how it was all handled and, hey! we got to stay in the same hotel the president was in!
anyway--a wonderful time was had by all!
congratulations, scott and abby!

while we were out, some reviews rolled in for casper and the spectrals #2
though i'm still disappointed that it took so very long to get here, i'm delighted that people are picking it up and, apparently, enjoying it! check this out...
and for those of you who haven't picked up your copy of SUPER HERO SQUAD yet--out last week!--here's a little taste of that circus!

more tomorrow!
smell ya later!
I loved that last panel of Cap freaking out. Read it the other night and couldn't stop laughing.
Suze and I LOVED Maine went we went about 8 or 10 years ago. Our drive was considerably longer but still wonderful. And Bar Harbor IS beautiful. Especially Acadia. I was all into eating lobster until I cracked one open and all the guts spilled out onto my plate. No thanks. I stuck to just the tails and lobster rolls after that. And lots of shrimp.
Glad you guys had a great time and congratulations to Scott and Abby!
Wow, what a great story to tell the grand kids. The President was staying at the hotel where we got married.
Thanks for the heads up on Casper, did not know that issue No. 2 was out. Also, my mind must be going as I saw the Super Hero Squad Circus cover and thought I'd already read it, but I was just remembering the ad for this issue from the last issue. Looks like tomorrow will be a Todd Two'fer for me.
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