i'm probably on the road by now, zooming down I-95, listening to the girl with the dragon tattoo (hadn't read it yet and have heard great things from reliable people--plus they're makin' a big deal about it in hollywood, so...i thought i'd listen to it before they ruin it.) (wow. am i getting cynical...?)
the car is loaded with all the stuff i said we were going to have the other day, but for those of you who are joining us late or any who might have forgotten, here they are again in no discernible order...
the exclusive 2010 baltimore comiccon perhapanauts one-sheet--featuring the maryland goat-man!

the all new perhapanauts pin sets!

logo pins!

the redesigned 2010 choopie butt card!

postcards featuring announcements for the perhapanauts:dark days trade (out september 22nd!)...

...and the perhapanauts:triangle trade (which you should get if you haven't got!)!

that's all i got right now!
i'll be traveling monday
so look for the next post on tuesday
featuring a very special gift i recently received
as well as the gorgeous nick cardy wonder woman sketch
i was talking about!
(and, no, while they could be, they are not the same thing!)
have a great weekend!
see ya at the show!
smell ya later!
Apple Core . . .
Have a great time, guys.
See you there, Todd. Yeah, I want to read that book too before the movie gets made. (The American one, anyway.) Let me know how it is. I'd listen to the book on tape on the way to B'more as well but the traffic is such a pain, we usually can't concentrate.
Oh, and Choopie needs some sun on his butt. What a tan line!
Hope you guys are having a blast! :)
Wish I were doin up B-More the rightest way with you and yours right now! Have a fantabulous time! And if you get free WI-FI at the hotel I implore you to accept my FRIEND REQUEST!!!! YEAAAAH!!! That's right homie!!! The JMan is back on that Book of Faces grind! Cause it was only a matter of time!!!
Jared Adams
P.S. the goat pic is un.....................................................................................................................................................................................
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