dunno if you read craig's blog or not...if you don't, you should...but over there craig has recently announced his involvement in the pan mass challenge, a bike marathon across the great state of massachusetts to benefit the jimmy fund and the dana farber cancer institute.
being the caring and generous guy that he is, craig decided to sweeten the deal--not that it's not rewarding enough to simply donate to such a worthy cause--by offering some exclusive artwork as a bonus for your thoughtful donation.
for a donation towards craig's ride--which will be held this coming weekend--of $25 or more, you can get yourself a copy of this choop-tastic print (still in production, natch--)!!

craig has other incentives over on his blog -- http://blog.craigrousseau.com/ --so head on over and check it!
from the far north...
traveling about at the tops of all of my favorite states, my pal kojee will often send me pics and souvenirs that speak to our shared love of all things paranormal. or anything that might have anything to do with tellos. or the perhapanauts. or things more personal.
this is one of those. seeing the ad with the name jake in it and featuring what can only be a jack russell terrier, jared said he just had to go there and snap this pic of a shop up in lake placid that is packed with dog treats and stuff like that! i dig it the most!


if you're like me--and who isn't...?--then you cannot get enough when it comes to clever, competent writers interviewing comics legends about their times in the trenches, both figuratively and world war two-ically. in this case the interviewer is bryan stroud over on on the silver age sagepage and the legend is our own nick cardy!!
if you've got some time, go over and check it out! though i've heard most of nick's stories at least 9 times each by now, bryan manages to get nick to tell some stories that i've only heard tell two or three times! it's a treat!
if you haven't already, go to our Tales From The Perhaps page and check out what scott weinstein's been cookin'--!
and be here wednesday to see what showed up at my house...
smell ya later~!
Craig's heart is a big as his talent. Combine that with a great cause like the Jimmy Fund and making a donation is a no brainy, even without the art incentives that Craig is offering.
Ok, I'm off to read that Nick Cardy interview.
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