i was all set to have this blog-post be all about steve gatrost, but then brian zim-zammed me with this...
from the huffington post.com
Chupacabra Sighting: Mysterious Minnesota Roadkill Prompts Alarm
Lee Speigel
First Posted: 8/9/11 04:07 PM ET
Updated: 8/9/11 04:36 PM ET
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials are scratching their heads over an unidentified dead mammal that was first spotted July 31 on a Douglas County road.

The creepy-looking all white creature with five claws on its front paws, long toenails and dark tufts of hair on its back has prompted speculation that Minnesota is home to the legendary chupacabra, KSAX-TV reports.
Lacey Ilse was driving close to her home on County Road 86, near Alexandria, when she first saw the dead carcass.
"We saw something in the middle of the road, and we knew it wasn't a dog or a cat, because it didn't have hair," Ilse told KSAX-TV.
"It had a clump of hair and all the rest was just white skin. Its ear was all mis-shaped. To me, it looked half-human," Ilse said.
DNR area wildlife supervisor Kevin Kotts said the animal closely resembles a badger, although the creature's tail is longer than a typical badger.
"It's got five long front claws on each of its front feet, which would be characteristic of a badger," Kotts told the TV station. "I ran the pictures past a few other DNR folks that have a lot of trapping and/or furbearer experience, and they all said it's hard to be 100 percent sure what it is ... but if it's a Minnesota animal, it's probably a badger."
Chupacabras, or "goat suckers," are creatures said to live in Mexico, Puerto Rico and in different parts of the United States. The animals, described as something between a dog and a wolf, reportedly kill and suck the blood out of livestock.
Last month, a Texas teenager claimed to shoot and kill a chupacabra. Results have not yet been announced from hair and skin samples taken of the animal.
Most wildlife experts believe the weird-looking animals are coyotes afflicted with mange, caused by an infection of tiny parasites that results in their hair falling out and leaving them with shriveled skin.
The body of the Minnesota chupacabra suspect has been frozen at the Glenwood DNR office and officials may soon do a DNA test to hopefully identify the mysterious roadkill.
i'm sure, by now, that you all know what my reaction to this is--WOW! AWESOME!! COOL!
(just, why, whenever you don't know what something is, you call it a chupacabra...? be creative! make up your own name for it! or better yet, call in the top cryptozoologist, loren coleman, to name it for you and do it right! a chupacabra looks like this...

...until you see this, don't call me. it's not a chupacabra.)
when craig and i were fortunate enough to be invited as guests to the mid-ohio comic con last fall, i was also fortunate enough to meet a very nice guy named steve gatrost. quiet at first, steve and i soon struck up a conversation about, well, everything!...and eventually i got out of him that he was, in fact, an artist and one with some pretty unique experience. steve is a professional tattoo artist and freelance illustrator and has designed countless tattoos for a very discriminating clientele! (if you're gonna have a work of art on your body for the rest of your life, you want to make sure it's exactly what you want!) steve caters to these people and has earned quite a reputation in those circles.
fortunately for us, steve is a perhapanauts fan as well! and though it's taken him a while to find some time to get to it, he was kind enough to send me this awesome molly a week ago and i couldn't wait to share it with you all!

steve also tells me that he has an idea for a tales from the perhaps story so we might see yet another side of steve in the upcoming months.
thanks, steve~! for your time and talent!
you can check out more of steve's cool stuff at;
okay--gotta get to work!
smell ya later!
Great, great, great is all that this artist has done. This piece of art is beautiful and well done. It is my privilege to say all this and more but I am his mother and may be considered prejudice. Thanks for giving Steve this opportunity to show his talent and hope to see more soon. Thanks Steve for being such a good son. Luv U!!!
man--isn't THAT the greatest comment i've ever seen!
there is nothing better than hearing praise from your mom! : )
thanks for that post.
Everyone should have a mom like her.
wow what a great mom!!
that is a really cool Molly, i like that alot!
as for the 'Chup', yeah i'm with you, when it looks like what it's supposed to look like i'll believe it.
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