here's whatcha need to know.
the perhapanauts trade paperback, which we have lovingly called 'first blood' (mostly 'cause a the blood, but also 'cause it's our first) due in stores in september, can be ordered right now through your favorite local comic shop or through the folks at it features all of the first four issues--masterfully retouched (or as we like to call it, 'george lucased'...) in a few places to reflect our original intentions where, originally, time would not allow, it also features 2 of our earlier pilot episodes, 'fiepick' and 'seven months earlier' (now presented in stunning rico-vison color) as well as secret files of all your favorite characters and cryptids...and even some you haven't even seen before!! and if you're a regular traveller to these boards, you've already seen the stellar line up of awesome pin-ups by some of the coolest artists in the industry today; kevin nowlan, guy davis, chris brunner, david antoine williams, matt talbot and rich woodall, and nick cardy!!
so that's that.
pick that up and you'll be all set for the ALL NEW dark horse miniseries coming in november; the perhapanauts: second chances! if you loved the first series, this series will make you hate it! no, wait...i mean because it's so GOOD! the new series is gonna totally blow you away! take my word for it--you won't regret it! there are things happening in this story that i can't even believe--and i made 'em up!! tell your friendly comic book guy that he should order one for you! and one for himself...!! and, like, 20 for the store!!
here's what you should be looking for!

only, y'know, with the logo and the dark horse on it and stuff...
(okay, i'm all pimped out. more fun stuff in a day or two.)
From the age we start school, all of us are conditioned to dread the arrival of September as it signals not only the end of summer, but also the beginning of yet another long year of classes. Even after we have long since put school behind us, we cannot help but experience that old Labor Day Dread.
But now, you and Craig have replaced that dread with joy for this September brings us not only the first Perhapanauts collected edition, but the promise of a second mini series soon to follow. Certainly goodness and light shall follow you all the days of your lives for the service you have performed for all of mankind this day.
Seriously though, you've really got me looking forward to that second mini. I'll make sure my LCBS puts it on my pull list.
thanks so much for that incredibly eloquent and heartfelt tribute! you are--as i have always told craig in private yet never where you might overhear so as not to swell your head--truly the epitome of true friend and fan.
geez, now ya got me doin' it...
thanks, bri--i really hope that you especially dig everything that's comin' in the new series.
you da man!
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