several of you have already 'e'd me and brought to my attention the kind words that the one and only harlan ellison dropped about our little perhapanauts book in his interview on newsarama. you can check it out at
i'll say that again.
HARLAN ELLISON digs our book!
i should point out that harlan actually called me several months ago to tell me this. he told me that he thought the perhapanauts was a fun and compelling book, that he really liked the story! and then cautioned me against overusing character dialect and vernacular too much. (molly DOES say "like" a lot...) we had a nice conversation and, of course, i was quite honored. i mean, c'mon--HARLAN ELLISON!!
and so i called him back the other day to thank him for the mention, and for my pal, ron marz as well, since harlan also gave great prase to ron and luke ross' book, samurai: heaven and earth. it just happened to be harlan's birthday, so i wished him a happy one and let him get back to his celebrating. so happy birthday, harlan--and thanks again!

with so much going on these days, i must admit that i've been quite remiss in keeping this blog on schedule and apologize for it. but i've also been at a bit of a loss as to what to write about. with no actual publishing date set for a new perhapanauts series, there's nothing to tell there. and there's been very little going on in the world of the paranormal or unexplained that has been inspiring enough to follow up with here. the "five on friday" trivia seems to garner some response, but i'd like to blow the doors open a bit and try to inspire more people to write in with comments and stuff.
and so, with that in mind, i thought that i'd try to stir things up a bit with a few questions and see where that takes us. bravo has been, for the past few years, doing list shows; 100 scariest films, 50 funniest movies, 100 sexiest stars. (i also dug vh-1s shatner-hosted, 100 one hit wonders...)
try these;
1. your five funniest movies
2. your five favorite songs
3. your five favorite cartoons
i dunno. maybe this idea will tank.
but maybe not...
happy memorial day!
and also, it's JAKE'S BIRTHDAY!!!
happy birthday, puppet!
smell ya later!