so the other day i was a bit caught off guard by the arrival of the awesome new perhapanauts trade. yeah, that's right--even though i knew that it was coming out last wednesday, i had been so excited to have matt and suzanne coming for a visit that i totally forgot to give you all a heads up about it. so i thought i'd re-visit that little thing here today...
not that i want to gush or anything, but man--it's nice.

not only is the perhapanauts: triangle filled with the first five issues of action-packed adventure from our new home at IMAGE, it also includes the annual and our five page story from the oh-so-hard-to-get monster pile-up anthology! throw in all the covers, and you've got a pretty satisfying trade there, right?
not so fast, perhapa-fan!
triangle ALSO includes a pantload of extras like miscellaneous promotional items--

deleted scenes, unused artwork, and photos and designs for upcoming specials--

i can hear you saying, wow, todd! that's a LOT!"
but that's not all--you'll also find the infamous perhapanauts one-pagers; trading cards, tiki con promo, and the entire (out of print!) "lost covers" portfolio!!

really, this is one trade that's got it all!
you don't want to miss this!
and, as i always say, the perhapanauts make great gifts!
okay--i'm done shilling...
y'know--i say the trade has it all and yet, i must confess that, due to some circumstances beyond our control--or maybe 'cause we just had too little room--there were two things that didn't make it into the trade that we were sorry we had to put off until the next one.
the first is that the back-up story from perhapanauts no.5--"evaluation"--with beautiful artwork by our pal, jason copland, had to be bumped to our next trade. it was a not-enough-space call, but also, that story will fit much better in with events that will take place in our next story arc...
sorry, jason--the god news is that it will also appear with your other perhapanauts story...
the other miss--and this was due to a miscommunication between craig and i--is that leanne hannah's lovely and funny "karl's plea" pin-up from the letters page of perjhapanauts no. 4 was left out. leanne has done another stunning pin-up for us (which will premiere in the comic shortly) and i told craig i wanted to sve that for the next trade to go along with leanne's other full stories. he thought i meant this one and, well...

sorry, leanne, dear...
here are the answers
to your very special "nixon"
"five for friday!"
1. who played richard m. nixon in oliver stone's nixon?
anthony hopkins
2. who played nixon in the poli-comedy dick?
dan hedaya
3. who played nixon in ron howard's frost/nixon?
frank langella
4. what was the name of the nixon family dog, invoked by the president in a speech geared to endear himself to the american public?
5. what four words did richard nixon utter in a flash cameo on the 60's nbc comedy laugh-in?
sock it to me (?) (yes--he did say it aas a question)
go buy a perhapanauts trade!
smell ya later!
Please don't kill Todd, Leanne.
Took me a minute to realize you were doing your "Vince Shlomi" impersonation.
Man, you certainly give the fans their money's worth and that cover Craig did for the trade is out of this world good.
Okay, I'll let it slide... this time ;)
But seriously, can't wait to get my hands on the trade!
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