so, as i posted here a few weeks ago, i was flattered to be asked to hang out at john belskis' excellent adventures comics up in ballston spa for free comic book day this year. it was a great day, hanging with matt(hew dow) smith, john, and his brother, matt, and telling stories about life and comics and all sorts of other stuff. i found out on this trip that matt was an artist--and maybe a little bit shy about it--but i encouraged him to check out the perhapanauts and maybe do up a pin-up for us to post here on the blog.
well, he did.

as i've said before, time and again, there is nothing cooler for craig and i than to see our "kids" being drawn by other talented artists, and this one is no exception. i love the basic layout and the action "caught in snapshot" feel to it. i especially love the color, giving it that old marvel pop art look--almost mike allred-ian!
nice job, matt!
my champion researcher, wendy, sent over even more montauk monster material in the form of this link
where i was finally able to swipe this picture

of what they're referring to as the montauk monster 2.0--which i think is clever. not clever, though, is the fact that here we have yet another picture with nothing recognizable nearby to give us a sense of size. c'mon, people! let's get a little professional here! (a football or a frisbee or something...although, personally, i myself would be really tempted to throw down a couple of those miniature airline scoth and gin bottles to make that thing look HUGE!!)
i'd like to support the site--if they are, in fact, gonna get this thing to a real scientist so that someone can tell us what it is (a true cryptozoological curiosity would be my first choice, but that plum island escapee story could be the start of something truly frightening...!) i might get that t-shirt--although one featuring the original creature might be cooler!
thanks, wen~!

you might have next monday marked off on your calendar as memorial day--a day to remember and thank those who have served and sacrificed themselves for our country--and be headed out for a parade or a picnic or a family bar-b-que--or all three! for me, that last monday in may is known around here as--JAKE'S BIRTHDAY! you may all know jake from my christmas cards or from his occasional appearance here on the blog, but this coming monday, my little boy will be turning 16 years old!
happy birthday, puppet!
that's it for me!
have a great day!
smell ya later!
Hey, Jake's old enough to drive now!
And I'm diggin' Matt's pinup too. Good grasp of perspective, depth and (something I still don't get) scale. Nicely done. And Choopie'll drink just about anything, won't he? Yuck! :)
Happy Birthday Jake! And Todd, don't let him talk you into taking out the car alone the first day he gets his license. He has not had enough hours alone behind the wheel. And when he sees a squirrel he will forget he's driving and go chase it.
Matt, great job on the pin-up. It's a great action scene and I like how much agony the Chimaera is in. Nicely done. You should post more.
Happy Birthday Jake.
Matt, nice work on the pin-up. I think the flying punch that Big is delivering is very dynamic and I love how you've depicted Choopie biting down on the "Big Bad," I can almost hear the "CHOMP!"
Thank you guys so much for the kind words.
Todd is a awesome force in comics.
He is positive and full of encouragement and it was our pleasure to have him at our store.
Choopie bitting something ,I just had to put that in.I loved doing this piece from start to finish:)
Happy Birthday, Jake!
Nice pinup!
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