first of all, happy labor day, everybody!
hope you're spending it with family, maybe having a bar-b-que, and enjoying what has come to be regarded as the last hurrah of summer and the beginning of fall and the new school year.
so, in response to my "that's no chupacabra!" post the other day, rich (woodall) sent me this video of what the media is calling an "alien baby" caught two years ago in a farmer's trap in mexico.

you can catch a more detailed report of this strange creature on the history channel's monster quest episode entitled "flying humanoids," but here's the thing. they have the tiny, now somewhat mummified corpse of this creature and have (allegedly) taken dna samples for evidence and found that the creatures dna matches nothing known on the planet.
so they immediately label it alien.
it must be extraterrestrial.
how 'bout let's be scientific here and not just assume that it's from somewhere off-planet, huh? it could just be a species we haven't encountered yet. or a freak of nature. or, yeah, why not extra-dimensional?
never seen it before--must be from outer space.
(and, to me, this thing looks a lot more like the descriptions of a chupacabra that that dog...)
and here's a watercolor of choopie i did back in june at heroescon.

have a nice labor day!
smell ya later!
That's still not a chupacabra. It's not wearing goggles.
Yeah, the "supposed" Chupacabra isn't packing a Mess You Up Gun.
And I don't see any pie. If it was a REAL chupacabra, there would be pie.
Ditto what Matt, Christian, and Brian said!
Mmmm... Pie...
How'd you get that watercolor done without me seeing you? I loitered around your table for half the con. Between you guys and Jen Van Meter and Cully, it was about the friendliest table at the con. (Tom Scioli is awesomely friendly too. Actually lots of the writers and artists are, it's just that you guys are standout nice guys among standout nice guys.)
Anyway - still can't remember seeing you working on that watercolor.
ha! i was keeping it real low, warren--so that nobody would see it...
Why has nobody considered the idea of gene manipulation "gone wild". Mexico is in many ways a favorite playground for american science, as they don't seem to encounter much regulation down there. Mouse-Human hybrids, as ridiculous as this sounds, have been a topic for a while now. If anyone told me there was such a thing, I'd imagine it to look like that, actually. But, what ever it is, it doesn't look like a product of viable evolution, hence I'd be looking for manmade absurdities!
Sorry you got the wrong story on this little fella this is a photo my mate took while we were camping on his property just outside of Quilpie in Outback Queensland its a hairless possum that is quite common in these parts it got caught in a Dingo/wild dog trap, we used it for yabbie bait and caught ourselves a good feed.
I dont know where this Mexico story come from you cant believe in half the rubbish that is writin on the web
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