while i'm currently more excited about my SECOND reunion in as many weeks coming up this weekend--i can't wait, either, wendy!!--i'm also trying to get work done on the final issue of casper, another issue of marvel adventures ant-man (ultron!!) (sorta...), the next arc of perhapanauts excitement (of course!), and a few stories for the comics version of the all-new, kid-tastic, cartoon smash sensation--The MARVEL SUPER HERO SQUAD!! you can catch the show on saturday mornings on cartoon network and see some of your favorite marvel characters in some of the silliest stories yet! it's lotsa fun and I'M having lotsa fun pretending i'm six again (really, not a big stretch...) and having the hulk use modok as a pinata! i'm honestly not sure which issues my stories will be in--but the first issue of the comic is in stores now!-- i'll letcha know when my own batch of silliness begins...!

at the Baltimore ComicCon!
it's only two and a half more weeks until the big ol' baltimore comiccon and i am also working on a presentation/panel with nick called SPOTLIGHT ON NICK CARDY! if you're going to be at the show, make sure you don't miss this once in a lifetime event! now, for the first time ever, YOU can hear the amazing story of this amazing artist's amazing career! nick will reflect on his early days as an artist, his years at dc, his work on classics like aquaman, the teen titans, and brave and the bold, and his process behind the creation of some of the most iconic and dynamic comic book covers the industry has ever seen!
come and help us celebrate the legend!

also, i told nick there'd be more people at his spotlight than at the one for neal adams...
from the 6th GRADE HUMOR Dept.

somebody should tell them...
so i mentioned a few weeks ago that we should have a halloween themed perhapanauts contest and open it up to both writers (short stories, poems, haikus) and artists (pin-ups, covers, short strips). a few of you responded positively, so let's make it official!
the rules are simple--create a halloween-themed piece featuring one or more characters from the perhapanauts. it can be scary or funny, creepy or crazy, trick or treat. we will run entries as they arrive, deadline for contest is wednesday, october 28th. a panel of judges will choose a winner in each category, the winner will receive a signed copy of the perhapanauts : triangle trade, a perhapanauts t-shirt, and some other perhapanauts loot. all are welcome to participate. have fun.
there ya go! get out those pencils and imaginations!
let's make this a scary halloween!
smell ya later!
My 4 yr old son, Douglas, has a comic w/some Marvel Super Hero Squad comic strips in the back & one of them has Iron Man making toast w/his armor. We both thought it was the funniest thing & my son is convinced that that's just one of the things Iron Man can do w/his armor. We have the best time having Douglas' Iron Man action figure make toast for all of his other action figures! Glad you will be working on the comic Todd!
According to the December Marvel Solicits, you are the writer of the December Super Hero Squad issue, No. 4, I believe.
I will certainly try to make it to the Nick Cardy show in Baltimore, but I have to check with my booth boss about getting the time off. He can be a real pain in the you know what about such things. ;-)
What?!! the reunion is THIS weekend?! but, but, I'm not ready. (JK- can't wait to see you!)
Love the contest idea. Now I just have to come up with somthing to submit. Thanks for giving us (read that as me) plenty of notice!
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