if i was born with any innate traits or genetic gifts at birth, the one thing that i'd have to say--and would have to thank my mother for--is that i was born with good english. : )
as was my mom. just this natural ability to spell words, construct sentences and paragraphs, to know when something is grammatically correct. or, more likely, incorrect. i love to read. i love to write. i love how it's all put together.
though i still have my dictionary right here next to my desk at all times, i have to admit that, should i find the need to actually look up a word or grab a synonym that is somehow escaping me, i'll just as soon throw it into google and go to either merriam-webster or thefreedictionary.com. it's faster and when i'm on a roll, in the passionate and/or frantic throes of writing, swiftness counts.
this is really a long build-up to explain how i sometimes stumble across things that are weird and i wonder, "how the hell did i find that?" i found this that way.
i was writing the text for the awesome cool perhapanauts/baltimore comiccon exclusive one-sheet (featuring the maryland goat man) and was pretty sure that there was a word--though i couldn't access it at the time--for the opposite of avert (or averted, as in, "he averted his eyes.") couldn't find it but was somehow linked to "inverted" and then to "inverted eyes" and there was a link for images of inverted eyes and look at this creepy stuff...
apparently, with the help of photoshop, "inverting" someone's face results in some of the most disturbing pictures you'd wanna see. really, they're just flipping the eyes and mouth of the unlucky subject and creating this unsettling look! yikes! these are the creatures from my nightmares, the demonic population of some of my most terrifying dreams! they look somewhat like the horrific entities that are stalking tim robbins in jacob's ladder, though there you only get glimpses of them. they look like twisted images from funhouse mirrors in hell.
no. you know what they look like...?
remember those bizarre, british, caricatures-come-to-life puppets that genesis used back in the 80s in the land of confusion video...?
these things freak me out.

check out some more inverted celebs at
for those of you who are big fans of web comics,
here's a brand new offering from our friend,
denver brubaker--tales of a checkered man!

check it out!
(get it...? "check"...)
gotta go--these squaddies ain't writin' themselves.
smell ya later~!