i got this from our pal and perhapa-buddy, uriel (a. duran) yesterday and just stopped laughing about a minute ago...
Hi there! Do you remember the Choopie script you posted on your blog earlier this year?

awesome job, uriel!
love the pacing! love the style!
thanks so much!
(and for those of you who remember our other perhapa-pal, warren newsom's version of this little scene, here's a quick link to go back and compare the two!)
ya wanna see something really funny...?!
check out craig in this interview with nerd caliber at the granite state comic con!
i saw this picture and got to thinking...
so, there are a lot of crazy phobias in this world. people afraid of chickens. people afraid of frogs. people afraid of cotton. people afraid of pickles. true. i saw it on maury.
so, let's just say that your absolute, abject fear is dogs. all dogs. any dogs. terrified.
and let's just say that, since dogs are pretty much everywhere in our society these days, an accepted and integral part of just about every aspect of our culture, that you, as a certified cynophobic have taken to escaping into the underwater world of the oceans as the one place you can be at peace, the one place where you can truly relax, the one place you know that "they" can't get to you...
wouldn't this photo be, like, your worst nightmare?

alien chicks
under the heading, favorite quotes...
"I'm fairly sure that if they took all the porn off the Internet,
there'd only be one website left, and it would be called Bring Back The Porn."
--Dr. Perry Cox, Scrubs
there will be no post on monday, but you'll see one on tuesday as i am, right now, at this minute, as we speak, well...as i write and you read--although because i do say the words as i type, i AM actually speaking...--sharon and i are somewhere on I-95 heading toward bar harbor, maine to be at our great friend and perhapa-pal, SCOTT WEINSTEIN'S WEDDING!!!! amn--i can't believe it! although i guess i can 'cause that ABBY is a lovely girl...! CONGRATULATIONS, SCOTT and ABBY--can't wait to see you in person to say so! MAZEL TOV!!
everybody, have a wonderful weekend!
smell ya later!
Wow, Uriel... I like yours better'n mine. You really communicate a lot with your characters' expressions. I like your style too. And your colors.
Nice interview with Craig. I hope his next Marvel project is another Marvel Her-oes because that series has been very fun.
I've always had a fear of pickled dogs.
And congrats to Scott! :)
Have a great time at the Wedding and please give the happy couple my best.
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