so for those times when i need a break from writing or am on the phone and need to occupy myself with some mindless game, i head on over to ebaum's world dot com where you can find all manner of flash games and the like. my current guilty pleasures are bubble-spinner ( a shoot-the-bubbles skill game ), sobics ( a stack-the-blocks coordination game ) and the always-ready proximity ( a risk-like strategy game ). they've got hundreds of others and it's a good place to stop if you need a break from...well, anything...
also featured at ebaum's, on mondays and wednesdays, are monday morning randomness and far-out asian pictorial, collecting, in the first case, a series of just funny, odd, or weird photos and pictures sure to raise either a smile or a look of utter confusion. asian pictorial focuses on japanese culture and some of the totally outrageous things that can be found in the land of the rising sun. also, lots of pin-up girls.
i check these out every week and grab, hijack, borrow--call it what you want--some of the pics i think are funny to share them here with you on the blog.
here are some of the ones that have caught my eye recently...

and this makes me laugh out loud.

and now, because christmas is just around the corner ( have you gotten any of that shopping done? ), here are a couple christmasy items to get you in the spirit...
the tree at 30 rock

and this that a friend sent me the other day...
Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.
During the night the folks came across this scene.
An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep.
He chose baby Jesus as his comfort.
No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

We should all have the good sense to curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time.
(No one mentioned that the dog is a Shepherd!)
and now the
answers to your
"five for friday!"
1. how many ghosts come to visit scrooge in dicken's "a christmas carol"?
the 3 ghosts of christmases past, present, and yet-to-come, and jacob marley
2. who sang the original recording of rudolph the red-nosed reindeer?
gene autry
3. what country did dad think that his "national award" came from because of the writing stenciled on the box?
italy "fra-geeeel-ay!"
4. what book was clarence reading in "it's a wonderful life"?
the adventures of ton sawyer
5. according to the american film institute,
what are considered to be the 5 greatest films in american cinema?
a. citizen kane
b. gone with the wind
c. casablanca
d. lawrence of arabia
e. the godfather
have a great day!
smell ya later!
That nativity picture is the best.
After all, I think we not what dog spelled backwards is, don't we.
That Facebook conversation is (sad but) hilarious! I've been sending it around at work. You've made me the office funny guy this week. Thanks.
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