let me tell ya about jason copland...
he is an incredibly talented and diverse artist.
he is a husband. he is a dad. he loves playing hockey.
he envelops himself in music while he works and allows it to color his artwork and lead him along.
he is canadian and almost always has a smile on his face--at least he did in the times i got to hang out with him. which have only been a few. but i'm gonna see him next week. really looking forward to that.
but let's get back to the incredibly talented artist part...
jason has, of course, been so very kind and generous to us over the past few years, doing the aswang story for us in perhapanauts 5 and the flip cover on that issue, the art chores on perhapanauts:molly's story with scott weinstein, and he's recently finished up the artwork on our first "tales from the perhaps" webcomic, "saints and sinners", written by rich woodall and set to debut right here next month!
jason seems to always be working on some project or other--he and i have a couple other irons in the fire as well--but the major one, the BIG one, the one where he's doing some of his most fantastic work yet, is his digital comic KILL ALL MONSTERS! that he does with writer michael may!
i love it. LOVE IT!
and really don't think i need to say anymore than, go over there and take a look for yourself. you, too, will fall in love with the look and the design, the slightly retro weight of it, the fine draughtsmanship. what jason does in the space of one panel should be taught as curriculum to up and coming comic book artists--and the textures and lighting he's able to achieve with those shading patterns...! just fantastic!
here are a couple panels/pages, but as i said, do yourself a favor and go immerse yourself in jason and michael's kill all monsters! world for a little while. you'll thank me.

i gotta go~!
smell ya later!
Both MM and JC seem to have found a happy place with this book. All the better for the readers of it.
YES! KAM is going to be EPIC!!!
Thanks, gents! :) The limited edition Kill All Monsters! ashcan/w sketch will be available at ECCC, next weekend! Or you can order one through me...
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