i got so many of these hilarious JLA covers shot back to me by so many of you that i thought i'd better make a unprecedented saturday post to share the comedy quicker!
below are the submissions as they came in. unfortunately, matt's wouldn't load up on blogger (dunno why...), but i will post those later, as soon as we can get them reformatted...
some of these are killer--enjoy!!
(allow me to suggest that you read superman's dialogue each time to set the tone...)
christian leaf

matt wieringo
(insert matt wieringo dialogues here)
rich woodall

tom stevens

brian mulcahy

Hilarity in the highest degree! Thanks for the special post, Todd.
Poor, poor Aquaman.
All of these are (wait for it) AWESOME!
Great work everyone.
WW: Oh no! Bruce, I'm pregnant!
BM: Really....Superman, I have an idea!
WW: Oh dear!
BM: Oh c'mon! Take a look around! I guarantee you that each and every one of us will die at some point!
WW: Bruce, I think now's a good time to tell you that I missed my period.
BM: ......I'M BATMAN!
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