so this is the last of our entries in the PERHAPANAUTS CLASSIC COMIC COVER CHALLENGE, and what better guy to have batting clean-up than our own jason copland...? ( there a hockey term that's like batting clean-up? 'cause he'd like that better... : )
i say "our own" about various people here on the blog because they're part of the 'family'; they post comments and notes to one another, drop me e-mails and send me links to crazy happenings in the world from time to time, come and see us at shows if they're not too far away...
i also say "our own" --and am being kind of possessive when i say it, too--about the artists who've helped us out and lent their talents to the perhapanauts over the years, who are part of the 'inner circle' as it were. jason, rich, leanne...and on deck, matt and christian, lauren monardo, eric henson...thank you all...!
but, blah, blah, blah...i got off on a tangent...
here's jason's sweet classic cover!
the inspiration

the homage

special thanks, as jason has already said, to rich woodall for helping out with the trade dress on jason's cover!
always there, that rich woodall...!
jason was so excited about the challenge...but busy! he threw me this early concept sketch the day after the announcement, just to let me know he was onboard...!

and while i recognized the alpha flight reference and cover right away, i was pretty sure that john (byrne) had played with this design/device on another cover somewhere...

...just proving that good ideas never go bad.
Simple, yet powerful. Nicely done, Jason.
I love those old Byrne Alpha Flight covers. Nice work!
Man, nice way to end this! Great covers everyone!!!
Wonderful job, Jason.
I still miss Larry.
Great work, Jason! And yours was really nice too, Tom. I missed commenting yesterday.
Man, I reeeally wish I'd had time to join in the fun.
wow this one is great too! everyone did awesome with these. nicely done everyone!
I'm honored to be a part of the Perhapa-family and I think we're all greatful to have such a cool partner in you, Todd. Great blog, great challenge and great final entry, Jason!
Thanks, everyone! I had a blast doing this, I'm glad I was able to squeeze it in!
Yeah, I'd like to second what Eric said about Todd. Todd always has a kind (and supportive) word which gives me the positive energy I need to get through the rough patches I encounter in this crazy world of making comics. I LOVE being part of the 'Haps family!
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