so here, finally, are our two wayward members of our perhapa-hat artists gallery, christian and uriel--christian's came in late 'cause after i asked him to send one he and i got talking and he forgot about it, and uriel's 'cause sometimes the mail just takes two months. thank, you guys. for the photos and the awesome classic comics covers!

christian in his secret sanctum

uriel via his studio webcam
craig and i had a fantastic trip to seattle and this time i remembered to take copious pictures, many of which i will proceed to bore you with throughout the rest of the week...!
today's focus is just is thew 'getting there' stuff and the 'doing things' stuff and not so much about the show and the people there. this is the kinda 'behind the scenes' part of our trip and we had a blast...
on the lightrail--the shuttle taking us from the airport into seattle
in front of the statue of seattle--the native american chief that the city is named for
my dear friend, joanne, met us in town for lunch and showed us around the public market--she knew all the cool places, like...
craig and i standing before the "wall of gum"
that's right...a "wall of gum". little known tourist attraction. glad that it was winter.
got to hang out with jason copland. dinner and drinks on friday night...
...lots of drinks...
sunday morning, our ritual "brotherhood of mike breakfast"--me, karl (kesel), craig and cully (hamner)
"the restrooms" is the name of our new band.
craig and cully.
more on wednesday~!
smell ya later~!
I have heard nothing but great things about ECCC this year.
Looking forward to more photos and con stories.
Lots and lots of drinks...
ECCC sounds like a fun con and Seattle seems like a neat city to visit.
Great picts! I totally wanna visit the Wall O' Gum!
It was a pleasure meeting and talking with fellow Crypto fans and artists. Hope you make it to San Fran's WonderCon!
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