the other day, my uncle, who forwards me all manner of crazy crap from the internet, sent me this e-mail illustrating the relative sizes of the planets, and of our sun compared to a bunch of other suns. mabe you've seen this already. maybe you have some crazy uncle of your own and he's sent this to you...

anyway, i always loved studying the planets--need to know for any science fiction reader--but have never seen their sizes demonstrated so clearly. and i have to say, i was astounded!

when i was in school we were taught the mnemonic "my very educated mother just served us nine pickles" to learn them in order. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto i've heard lots of variations and some totally different (and send 'em in if ya got 'em!) but to see them lined up like that really gives me pause. and then, of course, when you get out to the other suns...dude! ours is dinky!

anyway, just thought i'd share that.
hope all is well!
smell ya later!
That's great. I've never seen that before. I have seen size comparisons that are similar. But, the 3-d models make it more real. Very cool. Space rocks.
The only pneumonics I remember from school are ROY G BIV, for the color spectrum. And Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, which has something to do with the math and the order in which you do various functions. Parenthetical, Exponential, Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract. Don't ask me what specifically any of that means. (Including the adding stuff. That's what my cell phone calculator is for.)
I'd seen the planet ones, but not the ones with the stars. Nice.
And "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge" is one I learned in school to help memorize the notes on the lines in written music (with the notes between the lines spelling FACE). Band geek, sorry. Even worse, clarinet... and Band Council President... and Math Team President, actually. Oof.
Please Remember My Dear Aunt Sarah was the math one I heard, obviously I heard it wrong. Nice to now know why I never could figure out what the darn R was for.
'rithmetic, I believe, Brian.
Here's a video I saw a few weeks ago of the same thing:
Pretty amazing.
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