so, i'm talkin' with jared--our pal kojee--this morning via myspace; the pop culture phenom that we've all agreed we'll have forgotten about in 6 or 7 months--and the subject of casting the perhapanauts live action movie (big, choopie, karl, and whatever monsters show up to be done in s.o.a. cgi...), a game we used to have fun with back on the old tellos message boards. (not casting the perhapanauts. they weren't around yet...) this discussion was prompted by an outrageous letter we got from our own (add hilarious to that resume) brian mulcahy, which will appear in 'haps:second chances #2.
among others.
so here's the deal. send in your nominations and we'll see what we can do about putting together a kick-ass cast 2 full years before they even announce that they're making a movie!!

now i can hear a lot of you saying, "but we can't write in 'cause we don't wanna go through all the hassle of signing up just to comment." and i feel ya. i totally sympathize. but as always, i'm gonna say this; please feel free to send in your choices to me via e-mail to . include your name if you want or they can be anonymous and confidential.

let's do this!
get involved--you know you want to!
(and i KNOW there are a lot of you reading this who--for one reason or another--don't write in. c'mon! help us out! now's your chance!)
can't wait to hear what you think!
do it now!
that's it.
smell ya later!
Molly = Rachel McAdams
Big = The Rock (but, done by CG through motion capture, like Gollum)
MG = Edward Norton
Arisa = Rosario Dawson ( although, I heard Todd suggest this a while ago, and I think it's perfect)
Choopie = CG character, but motion-captured and voiced by Todd.
You're already aware of my choices for the $200 million dollar budget, so here is my slightly more realistic cast.
Arisa - Rosario Dawson
Molly - Ann Hathaway
Big - Voice of Kelsey Grammer
Choopie - Voice of Billy West
MG - Tom Welling
Nix - Angus T. Jones (Two and a Half Men)
Joann DeFile - Rosemary Harris
Hammerskold - Ray Stevenson (HBO's Rome)
okay, here's my thoughts on this;
arisa: rosario dawson
molly: not sure. but i saw 'accepted' last night with my dad and justin's girlfriend was played by a girl named blake lively who had a 'molly' moment or two...
oh, wait--i remember rachel mcadams! yeah! yeah! nice one, scott!
big: cgi and i'm thinking voiced by david morse
mg: i hadn't thought of tom welling and i really like that. prior to that i was thinking maybe shane west from 'er' and 'league of extraordinary gentlemen'. (which sucked.)
choopie: cgi and i've always just thought that i could do the voice. but billy west...!
hammerskold: i was thinkin' neal mcdonough or damian lewis from 'band of brothers'. i think they're both great actors so i can't decide which.
the chief: bruce willis
joann defile: though she's really too young for the character, i keep thinking that rachel harris--on 'vh1: i love the 70's' and, like, a kabillion commercials--would do her up right.
guy: love john goodman for that! good call kojee!
dr. das: m. night shaymalan
dr. o'neil: john mahoney
jiggs and tuggle:...
great picks, night wise!
thanks for joining in!
i'm a huge firefly fan, craig too, and i can't believe i overlooked gina torres. she's an aawesome actress. and i loved james marsden in superman, but as i told kojee, i mighta liked him more in that 'cause we could finally see his eyes!
thanks again!
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