i keep looking back at prior posts and am feeling very self-centered and egotistical--this is s'posed to be a perhapanauts blog, dammit! but how many times have i droned on and on about nothing or got on my soapbox about things you prob'ly don't care about or gone off on some crazy tangent that has absolutely nothing to do with the blog's title or the perhapanauts or even comes close?!
so, i'm dedicating myself to be more perhapanauts-oriented here--enough about me and what i think or how i see things...WHO CARES?!! i don't anymore. and if you're like most people (and who ISN'T?) you shouldn't either.
so, okay--the perhapanauts...
we got a new book coming out in november.
you knew that?
and a trade in septem–
you knew that too?
yeah, there's nothing much to get excited about really. not until the new book comes out anyway. i mean, craig and rico and i are excited about it because, really, we think this new story, art, and colors are lookin'...well, great! (does THAT sound arrogant? selfish?) but it does! i mean, i won't say anything about the story--that might sound like bragging--but i WILL tell ya about the art! i know i've said it before, but craig has really outdone himself on second chances and it shows in every single panel! rico too--his colors make this series jump so much more than the first!
still can't get excited about it, right...?
sorry. man, if you could just see...
oh, wait a minute.
you can.
(don't tell those guys...)

Man those pages look good.
Is it November yet?
i'm trying to figure out how to make them bigger!
Those pages look excellent!
But, I'm not going to read them. I want to wait until I have the whole book to read....
Hey Todd,
With the Safari browser I just double click the image and it becomes bigger.
oh, good!
Those pages look great. And that little snipet of the story already has me hooked.
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